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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. The R's had a meltdown, and the media reported on the meltdown. If kamala or the D's had a meltdown over the use of "retard", the media would report on that. If no D's have a meltdown, why should the media?
  2. is a gotdamn classic. I can remember as a little kid thinking that dog party up in the tree looked awesome.
  3. My daughter loved those pigeon books when she was little.
  4. Posted some time back that my freshman daughter made the varsity cross country team. They won district, she was the 5th finisher on the team. For those that don't know, a varsity cross country team is 7 runners, but only the first five are scored. Regionals in a week.
  5. Should have had the 5 year old wear it. Would've been 10 ft deep in hoes.
  6. The average moron (and to be clear, all of here at Surly are above average morons) who is completely tuned out of politics or news in general, doesn't realize The doTArD is senile because they don't see endless clips of his senility from twitter or tik tok like we do. And in the brief glimpses they do see, he seems vigorous, or at least more vigorous than Biden. If you watch them speak with the sound off, The DOTarD looks like he is in better health. Different worlds, different realities.
  7. OK. Fuck if I know, you assholes are the political junkies. But I'm pretty sure NPR isn't just making shit up.
  8. While amusing and fun to laugh at, doTARd's failure to speak coherently isn't changing anybody's mind. I just heard a story on NPR yesterday (I think it was yesterday) that said she is not doing well with black males under 50.
  9. He is sucking up to Putin because he wants to build DoTARd ToWERs in Moscow.
  10. Sir, this is a Wendy's the unpopular opinions thread. Popular opinions thread doesn't exist, as far as I know.
  11. Best Batman villain was Danny Devito as The Penguin.
  12. In this day of outright lies, I long for the days of mere bias.
  13. The most pos repped post on surly in the history of pos rep.
  14. When I was a kid, a lego set was just a bunch of bricks of various sizes, shapes, colors. Build whatever. Instructions? SMDH. Those hands appear to be growing at 100 miles a minute.
  15. I scanned the article, and not once did I see the word "lie."
  16. Its kosher for a non jew to wear it at formal or special occasions. I wore one during a jewish wedding a while back.
  17. THose of you getting the shingles vax, prepare your anuses (ani?). Far worse than any flu or covid shot.
  18. Pigs are smart. Kill a few one night, they won't be back the next. Better kill all you can the first time.
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