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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Bought all my first duty gear and sw 4006 at GTs back in the day. Peter still there?
  2. Headed fdown on Wed Jan 25th for some small town fiestas just east of gdl. Going with locals. Should be a great time. Hope my liver holds out
  3. Damn troph. Sounds like every pool builder everywhere. Scum, almost all of em. Beautiful view man
  4. I use a foxpro shockwave alot. They really work well
  5. Same in mexico. Low numbers, hardly any mature bucks, hot and green Problem was not only the freeze but we didnt get any rain from Feb to Sept. Then it dumped like 8-10 inches in 2 days. Everything greened up good. Tanks full. The few weve killed all had a huge layer of fat and all green like hay in their bellies. Super hot still and slow movement. Havent been since mid Dec. we go thru feb so will see in a few weeks.
  6. Forgot to post this here. 2021 F150 Plat 4WD max tow, 21k miles. Dec 23 heard a rattling noise on my passenger side. Had been at the ranch figured a small rock had gotten hung up in the brake caliper somehow. Got home and started to check it, well appears the bolt on the end of the axle on my rear pass wheel had sheared off and the top half/nut and washer were rattlung around behind the lug plate. Wtf! Towed to Mac Hsik ford Gtown. They acted like they hadnt seen it before. Looked online and its a pretty well know issue. Ots happening to multiple wheels on the same trucks oftentimes. Theyre replacing the hub assembly, axle and bolts. Still waiting on parts and driving a lisner explorer. Uggggg Anyone have a 21-23 f150 keep an eye/ear out. What a pos
  7. Anyone got an electician rec? My pool electrician pretty much retired. I need a couple light troubleshot/replaced and maybe checkout my Pentair intellitouch system. Im in round rock
  8. Come on, man. We cross colombia to hunt. Dont need more prople there!
  9. Whats the recoil like on those .308 ars? Yall run cans? That pistol get loud? Ive been needing (wanting) 1.
  10. What did it say?… the x worthy tweet, its gone
  11. 3 karens behind us that all they wanted to see was Matt McC and talked about knitting most of the game even said what the hell is he doing?? He doesnt even try like he on the other team or something. Dudes trash at this point
  12. So I was at the game. I had been down on eweres since okie st. He had been playing like shit. I went to the baylor game too. I do have to say at least seeing him in person tonight he looked good to me. He was walking the sidelines talking to players. He looked pissed on those deep balls. But he seems like a QB that doesnt want his receivers other teammates to think hes pissed or rattled. Warming up his arm looks stout as shit. I think he played good. OL was shit. Worthy looked disinterested and lazy. If that shit doesnt hit him in hss hands he wont lift his arms, dive, slow down, speed up, nada. Then the mfer goes and drops one right in his hands that woulda been a td?? Fuck him and his portal threats. Just my dos centavos
  13. On riverwalk now. Not many rowdies out yet. Have seen some purple. Fuck purple
  14. Jyst donated. Man, cancsr sux. Lost lotta good friends and family to that evil disease. Fuck cancer.
  15. Linea X, Tierra de mi tierra edition
  16. Was in Mexico over the weekend. Crazy slow. Did see chasing pick up this morning of course I had to come home gor work. Going to bowl game next week so not sure when Ill get back down there. I shot a 9 pt and we found a cat on a game came pic. 1 single photo. No othetes on that cam or other setups close by. Hopefully just passed thru.
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