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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Damn sarks jacket,hoodie and vest game always on point. I wish that shit was available to the general public.
  2. I guess everyone on staff is just phoning it in the rest of the season at this point.Pierce is shit, its obvious. We win inspite of him. My luck, watch, the little fuck will barely squeak into to the post season and go on a run. Ughhhh
  3. Coulda been on dat lean?? Still a thing? Allergies are for real out here. Aint no mu fuckin joke
  4. Now thats how I Iike enchilada plates to look. Fresh onions. Dayummm
  5. He was just tryna get his bike back. He shouldnt-ah tripped
  6. On messican arroz. Mama always said to get the real messican kind when browning the rice you had to brown it till it popped like popcorn and filled the house with smoke, when you thought it was good, to go a bit past that. Oh and simmer it and pull off heat and let sit for at least 7-10 minutes. Never open the lid once youve covered it until after that 7-10 rest. Es pinche arros no ay razon a estar jodiendo con el sarten!
  7. I hit up juan in a million on monday. Cheese enchilada with fresh onion hit hard. Uses amerixan cheese. Buddy got the don juan. Soorry no pics. Salsa like my mom and grandma used to make. All was really good. Juan still there. I think he thinks we boyz from back in tha day. Always hits me with the vato slap shake when ever I walk in and see him?
  8. Buncha 956 cholos just out hit and out scored us. We were selina they was yolanda. Coach gus and augie rollin over in they grave. TRASH!!- bubba dub
  9. Pierce is a shit stain. Avg coach with above average talent. With support coaches get here, hes useless. CDC, pull the cord
  10. You and bloodbath needa roll up on dem fools an smoke em. Is yo daddy still down wit the bitches and hoes? No CR
  11. Tailgate, thats a bad ass looking pool. As for that turtle, that shit may be a blessing in disguise. Pools are like kids. You love em more than life but on occasion you want to shake the shit outta em - chris rock , kinda samesies
  12. The little cunt would have blamed it on something herman made him do to cause the shitty injury. Fuck him
  13. Maybe dak just had a rash and needed itchy cream like that poor texum aggy
  14. Decidrd to move leases in mexico. Going north about an hour getting closer to piedras negras. Gonna cross in PN most of the time now. Ranch is bigger and looks like it has some potential.
  15. My POS Penteir Master Temp 400 pool heater is fucking up. Hadnt used it all winter until trying 2 weeks ago. Not used the spa since Nov. Water temp 65 and set it for 82. No issues since new in 3 years. Fired it up and business as usual with that crazy jet engine roar. About 15 mins in it starts cycling thru on then back to off repeatedly every 2-3 minutes. When it would turn off the “ service heater” light would turn solid red. Light would go off and heater would begin to fire up like normal. Called pool tech and he came by and said the heater checked okay but my issue is probably my house atmos gas pressure at the heater, said: (Max inlet was around 9”wc and when the heater fired it dropped down to 3.75”wc Max should be around 12-14 and drop down to no less than 4” wc) Pool guy says to call gas company to request larger meter. Our house is on ATMOS gas and was built in 1990 and he says the meter is on the smaller side. But if gas company comes out and pressure test house and finds leaks they wont hook up new meter to house until all leaks are found. Gas to furnace and water heater only. Plumber says he will run by and check pressure of line and check house side for leaks. Plumber says its odd that heater has worked all along and now shit the bed due to low pressure. Thinks its probably the heater. But he doesnt work on pool heaters. I dont know shit about fuck but I agree with the plumbers opinion. Tech guy does a ton of pentair stuff and has swapped alot of equipment thru pentair warranty. Will see this week. Anyone ever encounter this?
  16. So we all gas no brakes at the combine? Ok Cool, hook Em
  17. Bought some 38 super ammo for a buddy. Damn kinda expensive for fmj.
  18. Made last trip to mexiconkast week. All seasons been really slow. Was really green all yesr and didnt see much movement at all. Well its really browned up post rut. 1 morning had probably 40 deer in senderos. Odd how it seened back to normsl. Big old 10 wouldn’t hang around long rnough for the boy to get off a shot. Ended up shooying a doe for meat. Checked out horns and guns. Kind of a sad ending. But I did shoot a tank in the panhandle this year. Speaking of yall dee thise huge fires up around amarillo? Around 100k acres have burned north of our spot up there. Praying it all gets knocked out before it causes much more damage. Damn
  19. So the school that produced baker mayfield has a culture that breeds dickhead assholes? Hmmm.. Coincidence with ol gus bus?
  20. Ive bought from Feral Texas Outdoors. Good peeps. If you can make it to the store hes got a lot of them on display you can look thru. Can answer all your questions. May even give a cash discount. Or even go tax free with an ag tax exemption. May have to ask them for it.
  21. Accidentally? Yeah okay/JLaw
  22. So doom and gloom or we all good?
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