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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. So had a pentair globrite led go out. Replacing part under warranty. Anyone know how to change these out? Ive watched the videos seems pretty easy.
  2. Hey man not sure what I did to get your panties all pushed in your vag. Jesus. When I say everyone is running interference for AB Im not necessarily talking just here on surly. Is that okay with you? Check the news media and social media. Yes posters here are hashing out the particulars. I get it. I think AB has responsibility here, criminal,and civil. He was cross drawing for practice and pulled the trigger for some reason. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers. You might be on his team of lawyers. I dont give a shit really. I do know that this guy loves to poke fun at everyone for their fucking up. Loves to bash police for supposedly murdering innocent people. Now the tables are turned and his crocodile tears are coming off as disingenuous. At least to me but obviously not you. Hey thats ok. But by all means pile on more. Doesnt change the fact that a pos killed someone. I dont know AB or even really give a shit cause I didnt know the victims. Why is it so personal to you when I give my opinion. I also have been around guns all my life and cant for the life of me see how this could happen. But, its apparent that AB didnt know guns and his antigun stance is well known. But Ill be damned there he was using those evil guns in a movie to cash in and oops pulled the trigger and shot someone.
  3. Im with them as well. Not had that issue. But Ive had some ach payments declined due to their security protocols. Aggravating as shit.
  4. You can run me down all you want. Still doesnt change the fact that this actor makes a living poking fun at everyone. Fat shames and is a pos but gets a free pass cause hes a beloved actor I guess. Now this dipshit goes and kills and injures someone, on accident. Actors always supporting the conservatives cling to their guns and god bs. Yet here they are using guns to make $ and then it goes terribly wrong. Im just pointing out the double standard. Yes Im the bad guy here. [emoji23]
  5. Nice setup Quag. Similar to ours. Whats the 2nd pump run? Slide/water feature.
  6. Funny how everyone is so triggered trying to run interference for this pos. Its everyones fault but the guy that was holding the gun, pulled the trigger (allegedly) and owned/paid the filming. [emoji23]
  7. Dude fat shamed his daughter, pattern of dv, is paid to mock and make fun of other peoples fuck ups. But now hes supposed to get a break from folks cause it was a tragic accident? But was it? Fuck that, this is surly. Its what we do. Karmas a bitch and he just ate that shit all up in her ass. I feel sorry for these folks that got shot and killed by this piece of shit. These libs hate evil guns but sure use the shit out of them in their movies to make tons of $, cashing in on americas love/obsession with guns. Cant wait to see the SNL skit. Like that would ever happen
  8. But thank god we were on my mexico lease when u filmed it
  9. Saw that post game shot of the players singin the eyes. Bijan looked disgusted. Sux for him
  10. Bet blood pressures all kinda crazy round here today
  11. OSU just stacking the line and daring thompson. OL cant block for fuck
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