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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Quality loss talk in coming in 3,2,1…
  2. Like the pirate used to say. They take a knee, we will take a knee
  3. Started the day shooting doves, drinking micheladas, then suppessed 300 bo. Now this game.. its been a good day (then casey threw up a floater pic in the red zone)
  4. Backups still our kryptonite.’fuckin columbi?? Italian spicoli. Get the fuck outta herewit that shit
  5. These all look like the same groups of mexicans doing all the work.
  6. For the record, im not currently friends with the guy. Just what I know of him around 2000
  7. Looking for some 300 RUM HSM 210gr Berger VLDs, ammo Anyone have any?? Lol, longshot??
  8. I was all over true crime that happened local to texas and austin. Henry Lee Lucas, Military academy cadet murder, yogurt shop, kenneth mcduf (colleen reed, lake waco murders), christopher hatton murdered by yellow rose stripper stephanie lynn Martin, KBVO Steve Beard murder by new wife; jennifer cave, austin hs adopted kid kills jeweler father, so many more Some in books that were pretty good reads. Worked a cold case up in Georgetown that ended with a dna swab pop on a suspect that confessed after 20 years. Amazing tidbit was the original crime profiler had nailed the perps age, race and fam life (but was discounted at the time as it was a new science). Wells branch serial rapist case. I also worked on the rachel cooke case that 1 will haunt me. Hope whats left of her family cann1 day get closure. Id heard they were close to a break but not sure id that was just ex sheriff chidy tryin ti drum up vites for failed reelection. No true clues just poof and she was gone… sad deal. Worked a lot of terrible cases up in Wilco. Used to be small so wed all tag team cases, local, county, texas rangers etc.. Cops take a beating on here so usually dont mention my prior stuff much. Shoot, now im rambling.
  9. I knew the owner back in my previous work days. Hell of a guy and a true dog lover. Damn, hadnt seen him in years. Sad to see this happen to so many families and their pets. Im not really a cat/dog person but my kids would be devastated if anything happened to our dogs.
  10. Shit bag parents paying to keep him hidden acting like hes missing and presumed dead. Hes prolly on fyre island
  11. Kinda sounds annoying as fuck but they prolly got to to keep the idiots safe and keep them from accidentally shooting someone
  12. Bergeron?? Wtf… galindo is fuckin stupid
  13. Thompson looks good. Night/day in teams played, but night/day diff vs card
  14. Like lhn crew phone it in ala midnight radio. Same commercials every break, pn a loop, jeezus
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