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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. I never had covid. But Doc that gave me Moderna rd 1 said if I had a reaction to the first shot it could mean I had been exposed to covid prior and was asymptotic. I did have aches and a SEVERE like brain freeze headache on days post 2-5. But all good now 2 weeks later
  2. Heres my water feature pump. My pool/spa pump is still going strong. Guess I need to cap lines on the suction and return sides of this busted pipe?
  3. Water feature pump is gone/ cracked. Other still chugging along.
  4. My buddy east of taylor told me he lost a baby calf last night/early this morning . Damn
  5. Im more worried about getting repairs done timely if shit breaks. Parts gonna be a bitch to find
  6. So my pool pumps continuously running. Pump for water features froze up overnight. Guess im in waiting mode to see if it can thaw without busting anything. Damn. Could get costly Not sure when it would start thawing. March??
  7. Id be game into taking a spot or 3 depending on the situation. Any fishing tanks/ponds on the place? Id be mighty interested to pay for some access.
  8. TopoC- Im interested in the guns for sale And saying minorities dont own guns is idiotic. Especially here in Texas. South texas is full of mexicans and tons have multiple firearms. Not sure on nationwide, but Texas most def more have than dont.
  9. Yes!, aint no flameout like a johny flameout and a johnny flameout dont STOP!!!
  10. Trying to get to mexico but worried leaving the wife and kids to fend for theyself in this cold. Maybe head out Tuesday for final week.
  11. They treated him like a rock star feeding him case info. And take out dinners and beer He obliged by confessing to all kinds of shit
  12. Thats a beautiful buck. Great mount
  13. Nice set up. What you pay for CS this year?
  14. So got moderna 1st on Thursday evening. Was fine thru yesterday (Fri) at noon. Since, my arm has seemed to swell a bit and this splitting headache is fuckin crazy. Been pretty tired but not too bad. Not sure if anyone has had these symptoms. Hope it subsides soon.
  15. 1st Moderna at Dove Springs this evening. 2 hour wait. Long line but it moved fairly constant. Doc said they did over 1000 today, they were doing 500 per days prior.
  16. It is chicken, right?/ jessica simpson
  17. Heres ourson fill day with silver leuder and light tan travertine.
  18. Sad to hear a bunch of yall knew her. Any word on who the shooter was? Ex husband, stalker?? What a fucked up tradegy
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