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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. What the fuck with these spots by the refs? Keep takin 2-3 yards off ea gain.
  2. Why why why, lil baby jesus do I do this shit to myself! Were fucked for the forseeable future. Been this way for last 10-11 years.
  3. Backup QBs are our kryponite. Amongst other fuckin kryptonites
  4. Yea I hate the look of those plastic wail alarms. We installed a double sided combo lock on our backdoor for security. Its great. But I think I still need the alarm.
  5. Hey Pants Im in the same boat. You figure anything out on the alarms? Im not even sure what to use on the door. Ive seen the cheapo alarms but there has to be a better option, I,hope. Im in round rock.
  6. I dont know man.. im KINDA hoping we rip the band aid off and lose 4-5 more games. Im fucked up I know. Mensa broke me
  7. Hes right you know- black president
  8. I know this whole team is shit but if dak was a true leader (and all great/franchise qbs are) then he should be in everyones ass. Show some passion! He just jogs off the field and sits on the sidelines like a reg player. We all know the team looks to the qb for leadership. Dak aint got it. Sorry it hurts yalls feelings. Hes 1 of many problems but he should be doing more and being more vocal.
  9. This team sux. D got outmanned. DBs burnt like toast. Dak aint the guy. Dont know where those retard dak lovers are. I turned it off at half.
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