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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Hoping to plaster this wed. Still need some work for slide/waterfall/ jump ledge area and cool cote on back sidewalk. I will finish those later when slide comes in. My kids wanna swim!!
  2. Cool cat pics. We got crazy rain on mex lease. Need tp put out some cams at some point. but havent been down since covid kicked off
  3. Just leaving so padre. Weather was great. Nice break. Lots of folks social distancing in our area of the beach. Masks wearing at convenience stores. Yesterday a swimmer (apparently from Austin) went missing in the afternoon. USCG plane, choppa & boat looked until dark and most of the night, without success. Body recovered today. Water was churned up and roaring.
  4. CLEAT is the most important item a cop must purchase. Right up there with vest/firearm. TMPA was just as good back in the day.
  5. Weather great today (monday). Beaches were pretty clean. Lots of mask,wearing in town. Hopefully weather stays nice
  6. Shooter was def well trained, to fire from a vehicle out the window and hit his intended target is a skill not often learned. But stupidness all around. Like the guy who stops the innocent driving bystander (that makes the video feed from the alt view). That idiot has no right to stop traffic. Then shooter gets into the block and this traffic blocker and all the ptotesters run towards the shooters car like a mob. Then suprise when shots ring out. The dead guy knew why he was open packing, same as anyone that does so in public. To put everyone on motice that they mean business and intimidation. Its stupid to do it because if shit escalates you leave yourself only 1 option. The sling the dead guy wore is not made to shoulder the weapon but to keep it at all times in the low ready position. A positition meant so you can quickly get into shooting mode. My opinion is it looks like some of the protesters like dead guy were security for the group, you can see a few guys in black knee pads and vests out front appear to be carrying (maybe, not sure). They look like they are providing half ass security. Shit hit the fan with the car and they all charged towards the car looking to handle the situation. Shooter sees low ready rifle from his seated position and it could look like barrel is pointed at him (which it very well could have been). Shooter shoots, game over. Shooter is prolly fucked with the Travis Co DAs office no matter what APD does. I get they want to protest, but why so late in the dark?? Just a recipe for disaster.
  7. Come on herman! Do it! Cool, Kthanxbai, hookem
  8. What websites yall using to get webcams, videos or pics of storm damage and current conditions
  9. If u”you are gonna have a hot tub, attaching it to the pool seems esential as far as look goes. (In my opinion. Darker pools mean hotter water (supposedly). Not sure if it messes with pool chemistry. The actual aggregate is what im worried about since I have small kids and the rougher pebble finishes could hurt their feet. No builder recs here, kinda GCing it all myself. Subs are busy as hell and its tough getting gunite. If you sign soon make sure you get on the gunite companies schedule asap.
  10. Thank u for doing these valley updates. I like seeing the info
  11. We are headed down Monday. Hopefully the major rain is done by then. Gonba suck sitting in a beach house with torential rains and no movie theater, mall etc to pass time. And hoping no hunker place order for cameron county
  12. Hidalgo Co went shelter in place, any rumors of Cameron Co doing the same?
  13. Mitchell seems fucked up but to call him the biggest scum in this fucked up case is crazy. Lots of incompetent fucks in line in front of him, dailey, mannix, duty and staff, cummings, etc.. mitchell story is odd. Id bet he started out thinking GK might be innocent and testified to such although still saying GK remained a suspect. Then higher ups in the Rangers/DPS caught wind of him helping a convicted ped get released and they shut him down and had him look further into GK. This byndom guy just endorsed Robert Chody for relection. Same chody that has been covering up the javier ambler, WILCO in custody death since last year. Supposedly Chody was great to GK allowing special access to GKs lawyers with preferential treatment. At least what Ive heard. Chody is fighting for his reelection.
  14. We are just staying at the house (private pool with beach access). Pickup food and eat there. No in dining restaurant or shopping. Just worried about grocery store and gas stations. Ugh. What a beating this covid shit is.
  15. Damn. Have a trip next Monday to So Padre. House on the beach. Any word over in Cameron County or how So Padre looks?
  16. Hope herman doesnt act like a little prick and run the kid off. Would be a bad look and herman would look petty. But herman doesnt seem like one that holds grudges/ducks
  17. Been using Hunters Creek (Cole is good peple). Used brizemdines in Bertram (great buck sticks) but they like the skin on (so his guys skin and keep the hair outta the meat). Hard for me since I hunt the panhandle and mexico. Brizendines told me outside of deer season hed take wuartered animals.
  18. Patricia, I mean Gourmand, be here shortly to set you straight!
  19. Thanks for your service. Try and stay safe out there
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