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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Mannix and dep fife/dailey conducted a cringe worthy less than half assed investigation thst cost a kid his life- every functional adult It was a proper and thorough investigation!- mannix/fife Cummings put on a shitty defense everyone can see- every functional adult Cummings put on a sound conflict free defense and it was not ineffective counsel!!- gourmand You know I thought gourmand may be mr cummings but at this point maybe its Patricia herself
  2. Ah ok. So then why in the hearing was she testifying that she could not talk much about GK or the case being so tight lipped but then later went on and wrote a lengthy filing with the CCA about GK? Ive always been interested in the legal aspect of the system. Edit: after reading above I understand a bit more thanks.
  3. Hi mr cummings. But really, Her former client needed her to answer the questions. Im just asking any lawyer on here, if the former client GK needed cummings to answer the questions, cant GK waive the atty client privilege that would allow cummings to answer. Or was she just being a cunt lawyer claiming she couldnt.
  4. Less digging but will say the raised bond beam is a structural wall and cost more. As mentioned will make it easier as they can use the excavated material as backfill and not need to haul off as much.
  5. I know shows skew the narrative. Im just wondering why if Cummings former client was trying to push the post conviction hearing with a different attorney how Cummings can hide behind atty client privilege. Cant the client waive that privilege and why did Cummings threaten to go all balls to the wall scorched earth vs her former client? Thats part of current issues and the flaws in our current system that no 1 wants to admit they made a mistake or could have done things differently ala mannix and dailey or even cummings. As for the bad Wilco DA and cops I agree lots of bad apples. But still here the sitting DA has helped get GK freedom. He needs credit for standing up for justice. As it should be.
  6. One thing the docu didnt show was how she attacked with her theory that it didnt happen. Id think if cross examing dailey and the shoddy investigation she coulda brought in all kinds of doubt not to mention the other red flags brought up by hampton. Its interesting how her shitty “lawyering” is being covered by some on here as “not even close to ineffective counsel” but same folks all in on BLM the system is broken mantra. I think this case shows how the entire system got it wrong and GK suffered irreparable damage to his life from it. Yet here we are with some giving Cummings the benefit of the doubt. Makin mannix squirm is exactly what he deserves. I wonder what dailey is doing or planning on working somewhere else in law enforcement?
  7. On a LHN related note was flipping thru nightly news yesterday evening and saw Kaylee Hartung reporting in the field for ABC News Tonight with David Muir./ CSB
  8. Any sully talk from karen? Was she the lady in punk yellin at the children and pushing the track guy at the Sully statue protest?
  9. Wasnt mannix ex Austin PD asst chief? Sheriff Chode-y will hire him for sure!!
  10. The PI for P Cummings, AJ Kearn was an ex Leander PD detective. Really great detective and good guy. He testified he noted the similarities in greg and mccartys appearences and brought it up to cummings but she said no, not going there. Dick impressed with his willingness to speak out and go on record for kelley. Pretty impressive of him putting his rep on the line. I know his dad was a DA in Fort Bend County I think it was. P Cummings was known as a pretty good def atty around the courthouse. Cops knew if she was a def atty on your case to watch out as she could be tough. So many red flags for her to delve into in this case she never followed. If she was focused on the events never happpening why didnt she rip apart the flawed investigation by CPPD, the CAC interviews (it was pretty standard pilice SOP not to interview the kid, I mean thats why the CACs are there for), not looking at alt suspects, no police photos of the home, no interviews of all that had access to the house or lived there. Hell even the ranger pulled phone records and computer info ( years later), no bedding or clothing (sponge bob pajamas)taken from the house.?Really odd behavior in continuing to do all she did to sabotage kelleys defense team. Fyi, she did always were skimpy outfits around the courthouse.
  11. When he was just an ada in wilco, dick and his wife sat next to me at longhorns games in the old north endzone. We both had season tickets. CSB
  12. We watched it. What a fucked up case. Cedar Park PD and Mannix can eat shit. Duty was corrupt as hell and a narcissist.
  13. I cant get my fuckin pool shot. Waiting on gunite or shotcrete. Even offered cash but no cigar. Waiting is killing me
  14. Sshh man, they only care when a handful of blacks are killed by the police. Blacks can kill each other nonstop in those cities. Those black lives matter DIFFERENTLY. Truth is they cant say anything cause you know those cities are run by liberals and mostly black politicians. You know the same system theyre protesting against. The same system thats been there for decades. Blame whitey and racist trump. So what if hes only been there 3.5 years. Joes gonna fix it now even though he hasnt fixed anything I guess in his 40 years in public office including as a sentaor and VP with a black president.
  15. Id say if u put your geriatric ovaries out on a table, thatit is pretty unhealthy
  16. Oh for fucks sake, what k-6 teacher works 50+ hrs a week? I know teachers or friends married to teachers. Most say its a pretty fuckin easy gig. All holidays, thanksgiving, xmas/new years, spring break and summers off. Ive seen facebook pics of lits of em out partying vacationing and not social distancing, but then say its too dangerous to go back to the classroom. I know theyre not getting paid a ton but no one ever said teaching would make em millionaires. They get paid a decent wage with great benefits. Everyone is stepping up. Lots of folks got let go with no income. Teachers got to stay home and teach for 1/4 of the year last year. Now its time to go back. I completely understand if they feel their safety is compromised, but like me and the wife, if we dont want to go back to the office we could always quit and find other employment. Lots of folks would love to have any job to go in to.
  17. Teachers are being little bitches. Doctors, nurses, police, fire, and many others are having to step up. Im working full time. Wife is working. What makes them special? I mean I feel their fear but what do they expect to happen? No work till the disease is eradicated (if that even ever happens)? Just continue to get paid while other teachers step up? Hows thst fair. They can quit if they dont like it. My kindergartener last year lost out on lots of needed learning. If this year continues with distance learning may as well not do any school work. It was a waste of time. My 11 year old handled it just fine and learned.
  18. Dirt u in pville? Im in round rock. These gunite/shotcrete guys gonna turn me mad. Still waiting to shoot mine. We’re going with travertine as well. All these pool guys are swamped.
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