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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Further pussification of america. Geezus everyone needs a reason to be offended. Its shitty bro country. Wgaf. Hes just a shitty singer. Not gandhi Gangsta rap and wet ass pussy cool. Shitty bro country, offensive!!!!!!
  2. Last Stand is a surly poster or baseball occupy LF guy, I think..
  3. NLAA, RIP butt virginity Unless u roll that way. NTTAWWT
  4. I was talked into a chiller and never set it up. Just sittin here for the past 3 years. Builder threw it in as a gift and we fired him and finished ourselves. Never got around to getting it tied into the system
  5. Those prices are in line. Shit is crazy high. Companies making a killing on labor. Takes 1-2 days tops per system. My kinfolk raking in big $ for hvac, plumbing and electrical work right now.
  6. The Ride about the PBR team series was a cool watch for a sports/western fan. Austin Gamblers is the local team.pretty cool concept. These fuckers are crazy with steel balls, and some even have steal skulls.
  7. Max seems like a nerdy cunt. Crazy great driver. But he seems codled and nerdy like most of these F1 drivers. Im a newb F1 fan and got hooked with the Netflix show. So im an idiot. Grew up a nascar Dale earnhardt fan. Been to the Mexican GP and plan to again this year. I do like Checo cause hes mexican and alonzo cause hes a wiley old veteran that just loves racing and he wont take any shit if he doesnt want to. I thought there was pretty good action on the track this weekend compared to last weeks snoozefest. Russell and sainz seem like crying whiney little wankers.
  8. I to would like a good pool repair company rec. Need some work done on a few lights, actuator and intellicenter items.
  9. Earl with a sweet longhorns polo by under armour. I want 1 too
  10. PM me your truck info. Of what youre selling. Please
  11. Out near mclean. South of pampa. We saw a few snakes. No rattlers though
  12. Went up to the panhandle for last week of turkey chasin. Was a great time. Hot as hell but birds moving all day. Shot a hog and 2 birds
  13. You have a pic from further away from this area? Maybe putting in a trench drain around the wall to get water outta the area behind the steps? U have a leak or is it just ground water from up the hill behind the steps? Hard to tell without a pic
  14. The boy went to Bijans camp last week in RRock. Even got to go 1 on 1 with him. Was cool. Bijan was really great with all the kids. Never looked tired or annoyed and hugged, fist bumped or high fived everyone that would come up to him. I know he had to be tired after 4 hours but he was all smiles the whole time. Never looked at a phone from what I saw. Great longhorn! Hook em bijan.
  15. So my friend said the 9, 1/2 a gummy, was a pretty good buzz. And he slept like a baby . [emoji1605]
  16. Popped a 9 earlier, now we wait. This post is merely a fictional story written for entertainment purposes only.
  17. If I take the kid to the spring game, where is the best parking? I assume the parking garage by the stadium. Is it free or do I need to buy the pass? Sorry, Couldnt find it anywhere
  18. Waitin on an order…. Allegedly
  19. Picked up this used Proof Glacier Ti .28 Nosler. The Nightforce is gone. Waiting on a Swaro Z8i to come in. Bought it from the guys at Evolved Ballistics in Marble Falls. The owner is a veteran and pretty damn cool. Look em up if you need proof barrells, guns or other stuff, check their website.
  20. Remitly it to yourself. Or ask CDN
  21. I gotta admit initially I thought hed fail. I kept waiting for it actually. But RT has earned it. Everyone loves the guy. Hes genuine and cares about his players and this university. You see him hug his old player from xavier postgame? Damn. Hes grown on me. Hes earned everything hes got coming to him. Its a done deal. Only question is for how much $ and how long is the contract?
  22. Come on legend. We need you. Please little baby jesus in your little baby manger, heal this man
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