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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by williemackgarza

  1. Damn. That sux. Kill all thieves
  2. The u of miami futbol board is that way——>
  3. Any news on who stayed in town working out?
  4. Walk in to the Taylor DPS office. Youre welcome
  5. More like matanegros, amirite?
  6. Someone said jesse or al upthread. Shit they aint got the balls to go in to mexico spewing their shit. FAFO. Think usa is racist? Try and see how mexico will work for you
  7. Another thing, Why this mother fucker always changing how he says his name? Its alex eith an ”x”. Then its “Alec” with the x pronounced like “k”. Then murdaw or murdok?? I mean this ginger lyin bought everything
  8. Kid yellin racial slurs…in 3.2.1…
  9. So RBR still the best, but not by as much as normal? Hoping alonzo can make,some noise tomorrow.
  10. Damn. He had a ton of older brothers that adored him. Hell his family is huge. I know his older brothers and sisters. Damn. RIP big guy
  11. Needs more jump pass drills u stoopid sip
  12. Those me looked me in my eye, im strong you strong we strong din
  13. Posted in the game thread but prolly shoulda posted here. Took the boy to his 1st game. He loved it. Hated it ended that eay. That fuckin ball was bombed out. Fuckin thing just drifted outta the lighted sky. My kid wanted to get his baseball signed after the eyes. I told wed try but since we list it might be hard. Could tell the guts were down and didnt really want to come iver but a few did. Stabd up dudes doing it for the kids. Campbell, Porter and LBJ came over. Super cool guys and were great with not only my kid but a few others that were also there. Signed autographs and took pics. Told them thanks and they all replied, no thank yall for coming out and supporting the team. My boy was super pumped. Andcyes pierce is just a stupid mfer. Lucked into the job andbin over his head. He reminds of cowboys McCarthy. No fire, no energy. Sat on his ass as lsu pulled the timeout and time wasting bullshit. Mound decisions were so inconsistent and just plain stupid. Offense looked turrible. I was pissed. But hey the boy is a true longhorn and bleeds burnt orange. Hook em Oh and fdp
  14. Took the boy to his 1st game. He loved it. Hated it ended that eay. That fuckin ball was bombed out. Fuckin thing just drifted outta the lighted sky. My kid wanted to get his baseball signed after the eyes. I told wed try but since we list it might be hard. Could tell the guts were down and didnt really want to come iver but a few did. Stabd up dudes doing it for the kids. Campbell, Porter and LBJ came over. Super cool guys and were great with not only my kid but a few others that were also there. Signed autographs and took pics. Told them thanks and they all replied, no thank yall for coming out and supporting the team. My boy was super pumped. Andcyes pierce is just a stupid mfer. Lucked into the job andbin over his head. He reminds of cowboys McCarthy. No fire, no energy. Sat on his ass as lsu pulled the timeout and time wasting bullshit. Mound decisions were so inconsistent and just plain stupid. Offense looked turrible. I was pissed. But hey the boy is a true longhorn and bleeds burnt orange. Hook em
  15. Back in Mexico. From yesterday, my boys 1st buck. Good 1 to take. 140 yds. .243 87g vld. Dropped it in his tracks. He shot a doe the day before, same outcome, drt. Those vlds are deadly. He was stoked and I was proud. Hard year but ended on a great note.
  16. Going to mexico ranch this weekend. Taking the boy. Pigs, javis, does and a good mgmt buck on the hit list. Cowboy says theyre finally coming out to play with all the green dying off
  17. And catching punts.. must be bullshit.
  18. Wife works for the state of texas in a field that requires degrees. They accept those online tv ad bullshit college degrees. Kinda defeats the purpose.
  19. So did the big black foosball aggy rape the wimmins or not?
  20. Sounds like a turd floater in rrock 78665. Hope its warming a bit to start melting shit. Its fucking dangerouse to just walk around outside with all the rress crashing. My neighbors huge shitty hackberry already split in half with it falling in his yard. Next half will prolly hit our house and pool equipment. Stop fucking raining!!! Warm up please
  21. Pulled the trigger on a Seekins custom shop Havak Element in 28 Nosler this week. I had seen and checked 1 out at Scheels up in dfw metromess in early dec in a 6.5 prc. Check out the store if you ever up there. I had been in 1 up in Great Falls Montana years ago while on an elk hunt. Great stores. Best hunting store imho Just got the new rifle itch for a 7 rem mag and ended up on the 28 Nosler. Now I wait. Should be a goodin.
  22. You know Ol Domedriver, he's not one to quit on a garment just because it's got a little age
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