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Bash Riprock

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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. nice Dave Matthew's looking pajama bottoms. What would you say??
  2. Shit thawed out on the South Plains this afternoon. However a random thunderstorm knocked out my power 30 mins ago. Weirdest fucking weather in the world.
  3. I mean I have many gay friends... My *father* is gay...
  4. I got news yesterday that a good friend of mine passed away because of Heroin. It really fucked with me. I have been to like 9 rehabs and I met this guy in.....I think....the 7th rehab. It was in Egypt, TX outside Houston. Great Oaks is the name of the place if I remember correctly. I got on a plane in Lubbock and flew straight to Houston. I hadn't eaten in 3 days. I was sweating profusely waiting in the terminal. There was this young good looking couple that sat next to me on the plane and I knew they thought I was mentally ill as I was drenched in sweat and shaking. The boyfriend leaned in and said "Are you okay" I replied "I am going to rehab". He gave me a look of "Cool, I got you". His smoke show girlfriend thought I was scared of flying and she told me to order a drink. The boyfriend being my new sponsor shot that shit down quickly. I get off the plane, head to Hard Rock Café and down two double and 7s while some dude is supposed to be picking me up outside. I finally stagger outside, he has a sign and he drives me to bum fuck Egypt, TX. I get there and it looks like an old plantation. I just want to see the nurse and get some Librium immediately. They go through my things and say you're bunking with a guy named Micah in Room 9. Cool. When the Nurse Tech said that "I was bunking with Micah" everyone laughed. All the sober people who had been there for one or two weeks laughed and high fived. "Micah is a axe murder" "Micah is a homosexual" "Micah should be in a faciality that deals with mental illness". I'm like whatever. I get my things together and Micah shows up. He says hi and asks he if can carry my bags for me. It was a 5 minute walk. Micah is going on and on about how shitty the place was and how the nurses watch you when you take your nightly meds, shit I don't care about. Finally we get to our room and Micah says something like "Hey I'm a homosexual, I just want to put that out there". I said "I don't care, I just want to take a shower". He gave me a towel and a fresh bar of Irish Spring. BEST SHOWER EVER. After I got out he shortly came back to the room and said that "Hey the Rockets are on and everyone was watching the game". I said something like I need to sleep and I mentioned about not getting any Copenhagen before I left. He gave me two cans and told me to sleep well. In group sessions Micah could recite the Book forwards and backwards. He was always listening and helping. I stayed in contact with him. I had dinner with him and his SO in 2019 at some place in Austin. Such a sweet soul. They found him yesterday morning with a needle in his arm. 24 years old. Fuck this disease.
  5. I just bought a 20 year old Tacoma for the fun of it. I activated the 4 wheel drive earlier today and drove around on it on the ice. Glad I bought it. Not that its going to snow a ton but its nice to have during the 2020 Thunder Snow Tech sucks at Football Apocalypse.
  6. This was from my buddies porch cam an hour ago. Thunder snow.
  7. side note: The ass end of Will Roger's horse Soapsuds faces directly towards College Station.
  8. Well, he could've dropped acid when you weren't looking.
  9. It's been almost a week since I have tested positive. I've been drinking a lot of those emergen c packs and sniffing a lot of Afrin. I don't feel horrible but I don't feel great. My parents have fully recovered and they said that was the worst 10 days of their life. They describe how they felt and it doesn't come anywhere near what I felt. Age is huge in this thing, I think my Mother is in better shape than me. definitely my stepdad, but I havent had fever or felt like a truck ran over me.
  10. My parents have/had it. And they felt horrible a couple of weeks ago and I hugged my Mom's neck on her birthday (before i knew she had it on the 8th). My niece works at a clinic and got me in quick just to be safe. I didn't think I had it, but I did.
  11. i tested positive last Friday. luckily i've had no fever and little drainage and a sore throat.
  12. Why do you eat so fast!?! You cant even taste it!
  13. I tested positive yesterday. I have nothing but a tickle in my throat. Nothing but Door Dash and seeing what is in the deep-freeze for me.
  14. Mom is 68 and Step-Dad is 72. They both tested positive on Monday. They are miserable, but they live a healthy lifestyle so I'm not too worried. I haven't seen them in a week. I have some drainage and I'm getting tested today.
  15. Why didn't you get the big one?
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