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Bash Riprock

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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. CR posters not liking the mansplaining going on.
  2. This song use to make my pre teen pecker move. Keyboardist is the hottest.
  3. Well just take an overview. Can't you just take an overview? You want me to take an overview? Please. I see a very cheap man holding a sweater trying to get away with something. That's my overview.
  4. It's a big building, Seinfeld, maybe I'll get to it someday. After I take care of the people who're civil to each other!
  5. Charlotte seems nice.
  6. Meryl Streep, Kevin Bacon, David Strathairn and John C. Reilly
  7. Us dancing and our stupid QB doing the horns down with that much time left........we deserved to lose.
  8. Will you guys at least use lube?
  9. Where were you during the poncho craze of eighty-four? I almost lost my house.
  10. High five
  11. What happened, did you pass the stone?!? No, I tried to do a reverse hecht off my couch and I didn't make it.
  12. 'Omaha Steaks', 'Mac Warehouse', 'Newsweek'?!
  13. The CR. Safe haven, because if anyone , lol, ANYONE disagrees with you they are the ENEMY. You Karen's need to RISE AGAINST this. The Karen's the ones with balls, need to.
  14. Matt Wells is a joke. This program is a joke. Thank God for Baseball and Basketball.
  15. Dallas Red Raiders
  16. Waterworld Sleepers Talented Mr. Ripley Eyes Wide Shut
  17. Seven? Yeah, I guess I could see it. Seven periods of school, seven beatings a day. Roughly seven stitches a beating, and eventually seven years to life. Yeah, you're doing that child quite a service.
  18. What the hell was that? Let's see if you get the twenty bucks back. You know you could've thrown a pencil out the window and seen if that came back.
  19. Just a touch of Rebecca Lobo in that face,
  20. Jerry, it's vastly superior to any commercial shaving cream. Now feel my face.
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