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Bash Riprock

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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. so when's the big day?
  2. Bash Riprock


    welp, that was a nice ride
  3. I was just on TexAgs (I know I know) and one poster said this about Tech being in the CWS.
  4. Bash Riprock


    God Fulford sucks.
  5. Bash Riprock


    I hate to say this but the most punchable faces are Cody Masters and Kurt Wilson. Is Cody wearing mascara?
  6. god what a dumb human
  7. Elaine: Okay, our next bachelor is Cosmo Kramer. He's... a high school graduate. Kramer: Equivalency. Elaine: Equivalency. High school equivalency program graduate. He's, uh... I don't know, six foot three, one hundred ninety pounds. He likes... fruit, and he just got, um... a haircut.
  8. Pull hair, poke eyes, groin stuff. Whatever I gotta do.
  9. In a NCAA Super Regional Thread.
  10. Texas - 36 CWS appearances Tech - 4 CWS appearances Maybe that's why the kids celebrated? Especially when we didn't do dick in baseball for 88 years.
  11. they need their little victory here. just give it to them.
  12. yea i didn't see the longhorns in the NCAA tourney either this year. or even the BIG XII tourney. let the kids celebrate.
  13. Long live the Matadors!! Great series Pokes!
  14. what the fuck ever. you guys still have three outs
  15. my blood pressure
  16. this game is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from over
  17. Gone! Motherfucker
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