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Bash Riprock

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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. When they go to commercials why are they showing scenes of Oklahoma City? They're playing in Stillwater right?



    Edit: So they're not playing in Stillwater. They cant host their own regional? Seems odd


  2. 3 hours ago, General Specific said:

    Too bad there were not AT commands to disable such things...

    Ah yes, the miss spent time of youth. Leisure Suit Larry, Flight Sim, Zork... Hell, Pong.

    Leisure Suit Larry made my 13 year old pants go crazy.

  3. 17 hours ago, Dirk X West said:

    I just ventured over to texags and learned that the selection committee was totally dominated by Del Conte whose only goals were to undercut the SEC in general and aggy specifically and to glorify the "very weak" Big 12.  

    I don't know why I subject myself to that shit.

    i do it on a daily basis. 


    They're called deepfakes. SIAP


    Imagine someone creating a deepfake video of you simply by stealing your Facebook profile pic. The bad guys don't have their hands on that tech yet, but Samsung has figured out how to make it happen.  

    Software for creating deepfakes -- fabricated clips that make people appear to do or say things they never did -- usually requires big data sets of images in order to create a realistic forgery. Now Samsung has developed a new artificial intelligence system that can generate a fake clip by feeding it as little as one photo. 

    The technology, of course, can be used for fun, like bringing a classic portrait to life. The Mona Lisa, which exists solely as a single still image, is animated in three different clips to demonstrate the new technology. A Samsung artificial intelligence lab in Russia developed the technology, which was detailed in a paper earlier this week

    Can't embed. This is pretty freaky.


    Full Article

  5. Just got done with Major League for one-millionth time. Such a great movie. I remember seeing it in the theatre. My brothers and I had to sneak in because it was Rated R.


    At the end when they have to play the Yankees in the tie-breaker.....that is one of the best 30-35 minutes in any sports movie. Still gives me goosebumps.


    "I only got one thing to say to you. Strike this motherfucker out".

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