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Bash Riprock

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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 9 minutes ago, RPM said:

    So to sum this up...

    Warren: I was told I have Native American ancestors.

    Trump: Bullshit! I want to see a DNA test, Pocahontas!

    Warren: (shows DNA test results)

    Trump: Bullshit! Not enough percentage, just ask my Indians!

    tl/dr? Trumpkins got served.


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    • Haha 1
  2. On 10/14/2018 at 9:38 AM, Jkwellborn said:

    If they won’t visit for anything, fuck them though. We went through that stuff with some of my family when my grandfather and grandmother both passed. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. I damn near refuse to speak to them.


    this is the main thing. everyone else visits and grieves with my grandmother or at least calls her if they don't live near. our grandfather was huge to our family. my cousin and his wife didn't visit him while he was in hospice, came to the funeral, and haven't been out to the farm since and again they live less than 2 miles away. the uniform is just a gift to her. using my grandfather. 

    my uncle would blow his top if my mom told him about the text i bet.

    so far mom is just ignoring the bitch.

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  3. Well, despite total bitch and all, I kind of like the idea.  It's honorable to put his uniform in the office, better than sitting in a closet.  Sometimes even bad people come up with good ideas.  I'd think even his wife (your grandmother) might like the idea of displaying it?

    However, the rest seems simple:
    1) Your mom simply write her sister and say she got a text from Bitch and thinks it's a good idea, but:
    2) It's not her call, it's the kids' (all your aunts/uncles etc.).  So simply write 'em all and ask what they think.
    3) If they get one dissenting opinion, can it.  If er'rybody agrees, donate it.
    4) But if your mom writes e'rrbody and puts it out there, that takes away the nefarious intent of Bitch and turns it into a neat thing(?) (at least to me).

    Like I said, I'd much rather give the uni and your granddad the honor he might deserve by displaying it.  I really like the idea.  And as long as your mom clears with her sibs, no problem, even maybe explaining that (putting it in some kinder context after talking with you) despite whatever intent was meant, this would honor your granddad.

    I like the idea a lot.  My mom just died and my brother had his Army uni in her closet for 40 years.  He got it out and I have to admit, I was a bit jealous of it, not having served.  
    It is a neat idea. But just secretly leap froging over my uncle makes me mad.

    I bet if my cousin knew she sent this text he would be pretty upset with her.
  4. My grandfather passed last February at the age of 92 years old. He was a great man. WWII Vet, High School Counselor and farmer here in West Texas. He had 4 children. 3 daughters and a son. Which are my mother, my two aunts and my uncle who was the baby of the family. My uncle who was my grandfathers only son and is nearly 60.

    Anyway my Grandmother is still kicking. She still lives at home and my uncle who has never married stays with her every night because they do not want to put her in a retirement home just yet. It looks like my grandmother may be in the early stages of Alzheimers though. When my grandfather died the four children decided that it was best for my uncle to be power of attorney. Each of them will inherit a great deal of land and money when my grandmother passes. My uncle is very levelheaded and has his masters in finance and has worked for Wells Fargo for 35 years, which is the reason the four of them decided to make him POA.

    Something really pissed me off the other day and I wanted to know what a stranger would think. This has nothing to do with fighting over the will between the 4 children, I just wanted to give you a background on things.

    I have a cousin who is the last born grandchild. The baby. He's 28 years old and teaches at a local college in west texas. He's a really good guy all around. However his wife is a total bitch. She grew up Church of Christ and his very judgmental of people especially certain people in our family. Anyway, this week she sends a text to my mom, who is her mother-in-laws older sister. Her husband, my cousin I was talking about is my mom's nephew. 

    The text stated that she wanted to know if she could obtain our late grandfathers WWII uniform and give it as a Christmas gift to my cousin, so he could display it in his college office.

    Here's why that pisses me off

    1. They have not visited my widowed grandmother since the funeral and they live less than 2 miles away.

    2. She's a judgmental bitch.

    3. My grandmother hasn't even passed yet.

    4. She texts my mom instead of her own mother in law to ask this question. This one puzzles me the most.

    5. My uncle may want to hold on to that uniform since that was his fucking father's uniform.

    6. Using a family memory/heirloom as a gift to obtain approval from her husband (my cousin) seems really fucked up.

    7. My grandfather has 8 other older grandchildren besides her husband.

    Our family has never had any conflict. We all get along. My mother is a saint and would do anything for anybody. I don't know if this bitch texted her because she felt like she could of taken advantage of her kindness.

    My mom hasn't responded to the text. She doesn't know what to do. She thinks if she reaches out to her siblings she may rock the boat and make everyone mad at each other.

    Sorry for the long post. I just had to the that off my chest. What do you guys think?


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