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Bash Riprock

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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. I just have a general question about aggy. I am a die-hard Red Raider in his late 30s so I know what aggy is generally. I know why I dislike them and make fun of them and I know you guys do the same. My question is why do they hate UT so much, other than better academics, a better town, better athletics and facilities? Does aggy hate the liberal setting in Austin because they are mostly backward idiots? Are the aggy t-shirt fans mostly white trash and think of you guys as snobby elitists?  I saw a guy post on Texags when you guys beat Tennessee Tech “that he hates UT to the very core of his being”.

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  2. Years ago I was a heavy heavy drinker. I made a mess of my life because of the drinking and irrational behavior. But the drinking was just a means to stop the horrible anxiety I had. If I wasn't able to drink or medicate the anxiety and depression took over my life. It took over my thoughts. It determined how my day would go. It was a battlefield of the mind every fucking day. At times I realized I was contemplating suicide, just so that pain and the battle would stop. I wanted it to stop so bad. I didn't think about suicide as in "This will show them" or "So, you are done with me, well bye" it was more to stop the round the clock hell my own mind was putting myself through. 

    Today I have a strong spiritual life and I meditate. I never thought I would meditate. Not because I thought it was for new age type people, but I didn't think I could sit still and let go, but my god does it help. 

    How I learned meditation

    You never know what's going through someone's head when they commit suicide or even think about it. They are not rational and have a fight or flight mentality and they just seem to go on the flight option because they have been fighting for so long. 

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