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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. This is just a flat out lie but for some reason bald faced lies do not draw the ire of the legions of surly shitlibs.
  2. That’s a good line Bojack. More artful than anything from that insipid cartoon.
  3. Keep negging cowards. No one can dispute the amount of suffering produced by the inequality between owners of capital and their hench(wo)men in the PMC is far greater than that produced by intra-class gender/race inequality. If you believe otherwise then do us all a favor and vote Republican.
  4. The compensation of board members and of executive officers relative to average workers is a much, much greater concern than how many women get to to benefit from those unjust disparities.
  5. We are in the midst of an unprecedented decline in life expectancy brought about by an epidemic of deaths of despair but what really matters is the gender balance of boardrooms. Go fuck yourself.
  6. If you think representation within elite circles is one of the top thousand issues facing this country then you should shut the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass.
  7. I would take it back to King Charles tbh.
  8. I haven’t mentioned either of those things in this or any other thread so I don’t know why you keep bringing it up. if you’d like to learn more about what RBG believes in, start here - https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/544/197/#tab-opinion-1961815
  9. Go to bed, UpperWestSide. You’ve had a long day spamming negs. You need your strength for tomorrow.
  10. I wouldn’t lionize any of the justices, but if you were to pick one to turn into a pop culture icon, why RBG? It’s not just happenstance that her and Scalia were besties. More so than any on here would like to admit, they shared a certain worldview. Sotomayor is so much better.
  11. You have no idea how money is created and what taxes actually are.
  12. She wanted to step down in 2016 once a Hillary was elected so she could pick the replacement. So she was ready to step down but she foolishly believed Hillary was a lock to win the election.
  13. Most people of color do not vote for Democrats.
  14. The auto-negging of every post by someone identified as being on the wrong team irrespective of the actual content of the particular post with the intent of getting that person banned is censorship.
  15. Hating the democratic party as it's currently constituted doesn't necessarily make you a Fox News parrot. Don't be so presumptuous.
  16. lmao so the beliefs of 45+% of the voting population are simply not "real discourse" and thus should be censored on this here political subforum?
  17. If you don't post rah-rah dem cheerleading bullshit in the CR you get auto-negged. They want an echo chamber.
  18. I think you could argue dems are, in a sense, the conservative party while Republicans are the accelerationists. Dems serve to stabilize and legitimate the course charted by the Republicans.
  19. Democrats are the pawl to the Republicans' ratchet. If you expect them to reverse roles you're going to be bitterly mistaken.
  20. This is pure fantasy. The last time Dems controlled the executive and both chambers of Congress the best they could do was to pass a healthcare plan based on ideas that came from the heritage foundation.
  21. Because she has a uterus and liberals have a tendency to essentialize races and sexes. This is why they believe representation is so important.
  22. lol yeah i'm the idiot for thinking the party of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have any interest in making such a dramatic change to the judiciary and for exactly what purpose?
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