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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. There was much less polarization in the watergate era than there is now, and no one cares about the Lincoln Vanity Project. I do think we are seeing some realignment between the parties where identity politics is driving the working class towards the Republicans while educated, upper-middle class whites are migrating towards the Dems. The upshot is that there will be even less substantive difference between how each party governs although the rhetoric will become even more polarized and heated.
  2. I would vote for her just based on this meme alone.
  3. The endorsement from Professor Pow Wow Chow payed off.
  4. I didn't like Warren because she's a fucking fraud, a position that has been thoroughly vindicated.
  5. I’m not asking you to predict her potential voting record. I’m saying the meaningless fluff on her issues page isn’t probative of what she would do if elected. All that can be gleaned from that page is that she’s a hawk who would not vote to repeal the ACA. She’s not running on any particular policy and instead has positioned herself as a Trump Democrat who will better serve commander in chief Cheeto than Mitch. Again, why would Democrats turn out to vote for someone like that? If you want a conservative who aligns closely with Trump then just vote for Mitch.
  6. Do you really believe the issue page on her website is instructive as to how she would vote if she were elected to the Senate? Come on. She's pitching herself to voters as someone who will do a better job than Mitch of working with Trump.
  7. What does that man? I'm talking about in terms of policy what is she offering.
  8. What exactly is the point of voting for McGrath? What is she offering voters?
  9. It's my understanding that the SCOTUS decision pertains to the constitutionality of the Montana Supreme Court's decision to strike the entire private school funding program as unconstitutional under Montana's state constitution. I believe Ginsburg's dissent is based on the universality of Montana Supreme Court's decision. That isn't to say that Roberts is clearly forcing states that provide money to private schools (including religious schools) to keep doing so, but under this decision you can obviously run afoul of the First Amendment even if you aren't specifically targeting the funding of only religious schools.
  10. I believe Montana tried to cease funding to all private schools, not just the religious schools, and that was found to be unconstitutional. So that may no longer be an option for the 30 odd states that currently provide public money to private schools.
  11. You think socialism is funneling public money into private institutions? There is nothing ideologically incoherent in what Roberts is doing. I don’t think it’s even really about religion, honestly, as much as it’s about further crippling one of the few public goods that we have in this shitty ass country.
  12. It makes sense if your goal is to kill public schools. Why should poor people be educated at all?
  13. lol that couple shares very little in common with the average white Republican voter. That couple probably looks down on them as vestigial, uneducated louses just like the people on this forum do.
  14. Hot Wheels cracking the whip. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-hospitals-hit-100-base-ICU-capacity-15372256.php
  15. Because the risk to deployed troops doesn't really matter to the voting public at least in relation to the possibility that we may lose face by backing down. Leaving now would just be giving the dirty Russians and the Taliban what they want and we can't have that.
  16. The only way to prevent our troops from being killed by the Taliban is to remove them from Afghanistan. If you wish to keep the troops in Afghanistan under whatever pretext the only logical assumption is that you actually want the troops to die.
  17. From perusing the Houston news networks' FB posts regarding this new closure, most of the lumpens appear to believe it is not Abbot's fault and instead we have failed him by not wearing masks and social distancing. lmao.
  18. Abbott could not have fucked this up any worse had it been his intention to do so. However, I'll believe it when I see it when it comes to him paying a price for this disaster.
  19. That's a little odd.
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