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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. It would be risible to claim that either party is describable by those terms. Even in this day and age the lives of the people over there are equally worthless to both parties.
  2. Imagine supporting this guy and not having at least a seven figure net worth lmao.
  3. Let's ignore the material stuff like the policies of the former admin which got a lot of people killed in Syria - policies that Tulsi seeks to critique - and focus on the much more important fact that Tucker Carlson is a big ol' racist meanie.
  4. With this new polling it won't be long before Mayor Pete is out there screeching about "the M4A supporters wants to give your healthcare to illegals" line the right loves to much.
  5. Neither Syria nor Turkey are going to allow the Kurds to have independence in Northern Syria. Unless the US colonized that portion of Syria the Kurds were going to be betrayed at some point.
  6. If you think Tulsi needs to disavowal anything said on RT or any other media network needs a wellness check.
  7. lol this day was always going to come. Maybe the US shouldn't have helped create a power vacuum in Northern Syria in the first place by arming every terrorist they could find in the region?
  8. Defense might fall out of the top 100 if it can't get its shit together.
  9. Hamilton with Chasten Buttigieg? By golly that sounds like a jolly good time.
  10. It's weird that Obama, someone who has always loved and admired Modi, does not get the pro-Hindu nationalist smear-treatment that Tulsi receives.
  11. Urquidy was clutch in that game. It would have been really tough to survive against them for nine innings if Urquidy had gotten knocked out quickly.
  12. Astros have a 72% chance of winning the series in Frangraph’s model. I can’t think of one with a heavier favorite. Even the Indians had a 36% chance to win against the Cubs.
  13. I thought we were past these kinds of embarrassments.
  14. Some of y’all need to take your meds.
  15. He’s correct. People who believe this are as nutty as flat earthers.
  16. Because she’s Hillary Clinton.
  17. Already getting nervous about this game. Opportunity to break their backs tonight.
  18. Hicks in the three hole is some deeply weird shit.
  19. Need to knock Tanaka's ass around early today. He has not been that good this season, including in September/October. This isn't Paxton or Sevy at the height of their powers.
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