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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. This still mystifies me. Crane brought him under the dumbass impression that it would somehow soften the blowback we would get for the cheating scandal, which clearly hasn't happened. What's the point in bringing him back another year? He sucks. I want to give Click the benefit of the doubt and assume he wasn't behind that decision which is at the same time concerning that Crane is making these types of decisions over the head of his new GM.
  2. lol who else do we have that is better than Pressly? Sneed sucks ass and will be in Corpus soon. Hell, I would have preferred them to have included on the roster Conine, Dubin, or Torres over Sneed.
  3. It’s a great shame that anyone on this board has heard of Kamala Harris.
  4. Maybe you have to be in on it, or at least have or be willing to shield those involved in it, to reach the most elite echelons of power in this great nation.
  5. If Biden loses this year then none of this matters...and well, maybe that would be best.
  6. If I were Trump this is one of the first things I would mention about Harris - she loves to protect child rapists: https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/kamala-harris-san-francisco-catholic-church-child-abuse/
  7. This has nothing to do with the November election. This was a fight within the machinery of the party for the selection of the next heir apparent. Now if Biden loses in 2024 the rest of the dem establishment will at some point clear the field for Kamala in 2028.
  8. I'm not voting for anyone. No reason to bother with Trump versus the #bluelivesmatter ticket.
  9. The crime bill author and the top 👮, what a ticket.
  10. Obama presided over worst recovery in postwar American history. Over 90% of the new jobs created during his Presidency were temporary, part-time, or gig work. One million fewer Americans were working at the end of his Presidency than before the beginning of the recession. He and his Citigroup butt buddies did an absolutely horrendous job of handling the recession, and he owns what happened in November 2016.
  11. Fuck the CIA. Trump should abolish the whole fucking agency on his way out the door.
  12. Players will of course get the virus even if they don’t play. The issue is that we still don’t have fast accurate tests so there’s no way to stop it from quickly spreading through a team once a few players get it, something that is bound to happen given the significant community spread.
  13. Th presidents and ADs will do what every great leader does when faced with a seemingly intractable problem - punt it.
  14. This Trevor Lawrence shit is hilarious. The hero of the chuds until he mentioned a players association.
  15. This is why we have a Democratic Party to channel and redirect the energy of the young towards issues which don’t threaten real, systemic change - like identity politics. FDR was fighting to save capitalism but through that fight we got the New Deal, in the current fight we aren’t going to get shit but hashtags, more diverse corporate boards, and rube-Goldberg styled targeted subsidies and tax credits. All has been lost.
  16. No jinx but Valdez looks so much improved this season.
  17. There would be protests - but like the BLM protests or the pussy hat protests, they wouldn’t accomplish anything. Protests alone don’t do anything. There has to be an organized opposition, kind of like what we had with the socialist parties and trade unions in the early 20th century. Those things don’t exist anymore and aren’t going to exist for the foreseeable future.
  18. I’m not predicting that this is actually going to happen. I’m just saying that it’s interesting. The fact that Trump is pursuing this strategy makes me think his team has additional evidence that suppressing mail in voting helps him. Whether it will work, who knows but probably not.
  19. There was an Emerson poll conducted recently that showed a gargantuan split in voting intention based on the intent to vote in person and via the mail.
  20. A cucking of awe inspiring proportions. Dem leadership would be upset for a week and then return to being the subs that they are.
  21. I had written off this election, but the polling coming out showing high polarization around in-person and mail-in voting is intriguing me. Imagine if, after all that has happened, Trump is able to win re-election by simply nerfing mail-in voting. Would be the most hilarious shit.
  22. I think if we can get Urquidy back at 100% this team will be fine. Will allow LMJ to be put into the pen and a Grienke/Urquidy/Javier/Valdez/Bielak will be fine with this offense.
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