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Everything posted by ausjala

  1. Good journalism? There is your first mistake.
  2. Yep, the Surly has spoken
  3. Thanks, I just have never seen that confirmed anywhere. Yet, since I live in Poland, I bet I am among the few that can actually pronounce his name correctly. You guys make this fun.
  4. But what I really don't understand is why Sark is hiring position coaches for the defense when he hasn't hired a DC yet. Wouldn't you want input from your DC?
  5. yes, but he had pictures
  6. What? Are you trying to use logic on surlies? EEEEEJJJIIIITTTTT Where is CTJ when we need him
  7. Ask her if she knows about "cuban" sandwiches . . .
  8. You just figured this out?
  9. Yeah, there is no stress at Texas--great take. Oh, you were trying to be funny . . .
  10. BIG? PAC? . . . WGAS
  11. Just wondering if Herman has accepted him as a walk-on yet. I have not heard anything about this. Seems like a good kid.
  12. I just want to thank all of you for not writing, "Joe Buck." What a clone of a dickhead.
  13. sorry, I get emotional over my memories of Belushi in the house. plus we need posting to get to a 1000
  14. hey butthead, I was a frat star, nothing wrong with a kegger and toga
  15. sorta like the Texans?
  16. See? That's all l asked for>>an update. I will go back to sleep now.
  17. So as I am reading the last few pages, I take it the Surly recruiting page is now about coaching hires. So I should go to the football page for recruit info? And I will save the more savant of you the time, yes I know, I should just go.
  18. Just as long as Ash fires Naivar asap after the bowl game, I will be giddy. We been Naivar''D enough.
  19. Nope, though I think Red actually believed Charlie would make a good DC.
  20. I'm trying to figure out why he kept Naivar, baffling . . . truly baffliing
  21. I just saw this thread and had to laugh out loud. Galindo is an absolute moron. And he is at his worst with the baseball broadcasts. Doesn't the idiot realize he is sitting in the booth with two former pro ballplayers, hell all-stars? Jesus the level of idiocy this guy reaches only pales when compared to that moron on Fox--Joe Buck, who can't shut up. But I hate all broadcasters in general. Last one I truly liked was Vin Scully, gosh what a delight to listen to, even if it meant listening to the dodgers. But heck I used to listen to Dizzy Dean and PeeWee Reese. I have found that listening to classical music, and watching games is a pleasant experience. Try it, especially if Galindo is on.
  22. Tom's going nowhere anytime soon. Accept it. But he can't leave this as is. He won't fire TO--yet. But he can shit can Naivar and Washington immediately, both mind-numbing hires to begin with, replace them with Huff who actually knows something about being a DB, give him Griff to help out. Players will respond to this. And ORDER TO to play two DTs with two rush ends, 2LBs, and 5 dbs. Fug that stubborn sumbitch--do what your told jarhead.
  23. I have heard from a source who has a source who knows someone that empties Crane's trash that he is willing to go 4 yrs, 40 mil per. Just the messenger, but was truly told just that. FWIW.
  24. Welcome to the 40!
  25. Now, this is depressing . . .
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