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Everything posted by ausjala

  1. Amazing. It took injury updates to get us back on track, and off tote-duty, to cargo or not to cargo. The Surl will Surl . . .
  2. Mutha Hustler on vacation? Need to get her on this . . . Mama don't play games neither
  3. ausjala

    Pete Rose

    Pete was his era's, Ty Cobb, and an absolute asshole, but one that gave it all on the field. He was never the best talent, just the one who got the most out of what he had and played the hardest. He deserves to be in the HOF for his play, but his gambling has kept him out. And that is not going to change. He was caught dead to rights, and Giamatti force fed him the truth. Pete now refuses to let go, much like the petulant man-child he has always been. But that is also how he played--he never quit. It's a sad ending to a good story, but those things happen. As to gambling and sports, it has always been there, and it always will. My only real problem with any of this, is the "integrity" of the game crap that always seems to flow out of the mouths of those in charge. Integrity my ass. Very little integrity, or principle, involved in the world of sports. It's all about the money. And that is simply life. There are people of integrity in all walks of life, and there are assholes. The two seldom agree on anything, nor care to.
  4. Colt, "where's my name tag?"
  5. Yep. Just glad my choppers still work . . . Me and Willie, "old timers"
  6. tribute to Darrell K Royal
  7. Love your lists, but not one of you has ever heard of a guy named Bobby Layne? Might suggest a google search. Of course, he wasn't exactly modern era, just HOF good. And if you read up on him, you will find he could probably have been HOF in pro baseball if he had chosen that path.
  8. Does it disturb anyone else that far too many Surls speak and understand twitter fluently? I lurk the Surly, seems a lot of you lurk 18 year olds. But then again, how else would we ever find anything out of importance, right?
  9. Has Kate made this official?
  10. 2020 . . . #1 class. Herman's gettin' errrbody
  11. ausjala

    Im drunk

    Drunk is a surly state of existence.
  12. RIP, Coach. Condolences to your family, and all our Horn family. What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing.
  13. Said this before, but the pantheon at Texas is Earl and Tommy, and this is at a place that has had absolute "gods" play. But any discussion has to begin with these two. Now, if you want to continue then you better start with a guy named Bobby . . .
  14. Ha, ha . . . real men watch Bull Durham. What am I saying, I cry every time too. Astros--let's get this party started.
  15. Alcorn? Really? Must have an uncle . . .
  16. Congrats to Blacklab. Great insights for us lurkers who just happened to stumble upon the Shag. Long live Surly!
  17. I thought being an asshole was a requirement, if not ritualistic. And on this side of the pond, it's arsehole.
  18. Respect your elders--we really are that old

  19. What playing time? Shaka used him as mostly bench fodder . . .
  20. I came to make sure this site was legit. Got the FireShaka thread going already--Legit . . . I was afraid it was fake-Derka site
  21. Eddie Reese . . . simply amazing!!!
  22. Glad Horns came back. Turned it off at cowboys 3-1. Maybe not "no faith", but certainly not blind faith with this bunch. Maybe Pierce should get tossed more often. That was bizarre.
  23. Kate made it. All is good with the world.
  24. a proud lurker . . . good to be home
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