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Everything posted by ausjala

  1. Any visitor list out yet for this weekend?
  2. C'mon, ease up. At least he was thinking.
  3. A wink is as good as a nod, to a blind horse . . .
  4. I always imagine this without shorts . . .
  5. C'mon, it's a Tuesday . . . welcome to the 40, Prince
  6. So Jimbo is essentially Looch, while we are the Mecca . . . works for me
  7. so you're basically saying "Fuck the day job."
  8. TEXAS <> MECCA . . . hmmmm, same number of letters. I'm sensing a trend here. . . .
  9. All PayUs, must be a character issue . . .
  10. Not really, just one of those people without a day job . . .
  11. We need someone checking ID's. Far too much underage drinking going on here. And yes, most of us oldsters think 23 is too young to handle the truth . . . but you will age and mature, and can then be an asshole like the rest of us.
  12. first math, now we have to read? Surly complications . . .
  13. I think Surly baseball is about to win the all time vagina award.
  14. I nail Trump, let him get up and begin a jog to first, and then bean him again.
  15. please keep up, we already had freshman orienation . . .
  16. Actually, I am claiming recruiting chops on this one. I live in Poland, and must be responsible for all eastern European commitments. That will be 9.43 Euros please.
  17. "Hand continues to impress me with his evaluations." FIFY
  18. Mrs. Hernedez? Glad he has turned into our go to recruiter because he can't spell. Of course, maybe I just have never met a Hernedez.
  19. So I am confused. We have to like Giles now? That's going to piss off the Surly-full-of-hate, why say something if it's not-bitchy, types. Frankly, I have always thought he's a decent enough coach, just lacks recruiting chops. But the Surly will surly.
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