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Everything posted by ausjala

  1. Get Buzz, and we'll be lightyears ahead . . .
  2. thought Kate was our National Bird . . .
  3. Just curious. Were you top or bottom?
  4. Is he a one year plug in, or does he have more eligibility left than that?
  5. If one wants to be a vegetarian, be a vegetarian, but stay the HELL away from chili and burgers. JFC
  6. Pretty much think you did this to yourself. But thanks for playing.
  7. Wasn't sure where to post this, but this seems a good place. Herman is showing some real Saban-esque quality with his bringing in of "advisors/analysts" to the program. Much is made of Herman's ego, mensa-ness, yet it takes a mature and confident coach not to worry about his own ego, and to bring in the quality of analysts that he is. Several former HCs, good coaches speaks to this. He is apparently not worried about critics and criticism, just about winning and doing what ever that requires. I think any doubts about him should be put to rest. . . . ok, cool. Hook 'em
  8. All you people that tweet or whatever need to let CDC know how shitty/stupid Galindo is.
  9. When Plonsky finally leaves UT, she will be un-replaceble--for a reason. What a moribund albatross kunt she has been.
  10. Sure, bring up wrath and grapes and stuff . . . too literate for the surly. Next, there will be math and sciences.
  11. Realize you're being facetious, but no one is to be equated with DKR. All the rest are mere mortals, well except for Bevo.
  12. And Sam seemed to have an accuracy thing with hitting his TEs, especially straight up the seam. Remember several over throws to Beck.
  13. Yeah, but it was worth every damn toke . . .
  14. I've tried regular hand massages for years. Hasn't really helped. but it is fun trying.
  15. That should open up the running game for Sam.
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