We have a family on the next street over who profess to be Catholic. The Catholic church wasn't strict enough, so they bought a 38 ft camper and travel to attend an extreme church in North Dakota. They have six kids aged 3 to 16 (and another on the way) and home school all of them. One girl is a year younger than my 9 yr old daughter, and I cant tell you the number of times she has knocked on our door in the middle of the school day, sometimes more than once a day. We have a park at the corner of our street and those kids are there sometimes 4 to 5 hours a day during school hours.
A couple of months ago, the 8 yr old wrote my daughter a note telling her how good of a friend she is. She showed it to me because she was concerned over her very poor spelling and wanted to know why it was so bad.
Not all, but many of those who homeschool and who are ultra-religious dont homeschool because they think they can provide a better education. They do it to shield their kids from experiencing the real world, and are actually doing more harm to the kids than the real world ever would. There is no way in hell that girl would be going into the 3rd grade in a public school from what I saw on that letter.
Also, yall can take these fucking Wilks brothers back. They're causing a ruckus up here, too, buying up acrage and cutting off access to public land.