I live in an ag community. I also work for the federal government. Unfortunately, I work for an agency that still requires me to show up for work during the shutdown. The last one lasted 35 days, so we were tardy on two paychecks.
Every shutdown, without fail, local social media is overrun with posts by farmers/ranchers championing sticking it to the feds. Here's one from 2018, for example, from a rancher who also owned a restaurant....
A week later, he, along with many others in the ag community, were complaining to our senators and representative that they weren't getting their gubmint handouts or able to apply for loans because the Farm Service Agency was shut down. Farmers across the country complained loud enough that the FSA's status was changed from furloughed to excepted, so as not to upset the "backbone of our country."
I think they should be forced to prove they didn't vote for Trumpmusk before getting any preferential treatment.