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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Did anyone else notice the home cooking from the clock operator at the end? I would have been fucking livid if I was the JMU staff!! Coming out of a timeout (stopped clock), NDSU had the ball 2nd and 8 with 2:58 left. Runner gains 2 yards and is tacked with 2:54 left (should be around 2:10 left when the play clock runs down for the upcoming 3rd down play But the play clock doesn't even begin for more than 25 seconds!! So the ball is snapped for the 3rd down play with about 1:50 left. So instead of calling a timeout on 4th down with ~1:30 left, NDSU calls it with 1:03. Would the outcome have been any different? Who knows...but the play selection for JMU on the last few plays may have been different giving them a shot at the endzone.
  2. But he played with Jerome Bettis. Bet you didn't know that!
  3. Yeah, punting inside the 5 is for losers.
  4. Did the Charger kicker catch the covid? Or did Mike McCarthy eat their coach and take over the team?
  5. Just that one. The other one hasn't missed yet.
  6. Let me guess...Nickelback for the encore?
  7. Are you serious when asking me if I'm serious? Of course that was tongue-in-cheek.
  8. Isn't that the usual LHN crew? Why were they calling an ESPNU game? I guess I've never really paid much attention, but I don't recall ever hearing them call a game not on the LHN.
  9. How does a college student afford to be galavanting around the country?
  10. I bet they make him practice a couple of times before the games next season.
  11. Burt

    NFL Week 14

    Where are all the fighters in the stands at NFL games when you need one??
  12. Is she trying to make wearing Chucks with a dress/skirt her "thing"?
  13. Everyone else had that same chance. I'm just happy he came through!
  14. Only one I've hit on is Limbaugh (31 pts).
  15. Yes they would have. Right now. Over me.
  16. Anyone watched his series "The Cabin with Bert Kreischer" on Netflix? The series on the whole was good, but a couple of the episodes were great.
  17. Are you on the first season or the second?
  18. Anyone checked the portal?
  19. Who gives a shit about having a proselytizing quarterback? Can he throw the tunnel screen??
  20. If I wasn't alive to see that for myself I would never believe it.
  21. Bob Dole dead at 98. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/05/us/politics/bob-dole-dead.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20211205&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta&regi_id=82098454&segment_id=76176&user_id=e2eb576832894f8744c5954a7e9eef4e
  22. Foos are playing an outdoor venue in Big Sky next August that only holds 5000 people. They had a pre-sale on Nov 30th and I was able to get 5 tickets as Christmas presents for me, my wife, my son, his wife, and our daughter. The rest of the ticket sales went live today (Dec 3rd) and sold out within an hour. Lots of people are bitching on the venue's Facebook page about scalpers buying them all up. They are going for more than $2000 each on Stubhub right now! With all the fees, ours wound up "only" being $200 each. Now my daughter is only 9 years old...so I've given a little thought to selling her ticket and pocketing a grand while the four of us watch a great concert for free. But I also think it's cool as hell that a 9 yr old little girl loves the Foo Fighters and has been begging me to take her to see them ever since she learned last year that my son and I went to see them in Billings in 2017 (we told her we were going to a football game at the time). So I don't think I could bring myself to sell it.
  23. Well, he plays QB. How many have we developed in the last 25 years? Four. And three of those were one or two decades ago. Dont get mad at me. I dont like it any more than you do.
  24. High school players travel city to city, not state to state.
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