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Everything posted by Burt

  1. I was joking. It's Smyly. Everyone tees off on him. Even I could hit it over the 315 sign off him.
  2. Houston is teeing off on our pitchers like they know what's coming.
  3. Gonna be tough to do minus one of only 3 reliable starting pitchers. They're gonna have to rely on Kyle Wright and/or Drew Smyly much more than I'm comfortable with. At least we're up 1-0 instead of down 0-1.
  4. I've asked that, too. Answer I was given was "because its not called".
  5. Huge fucking balls on Matzek!
  6. Jackson is gonna blow this, aint he?
  7. That's where I was coming into tonight, too. If the Braves lose (and its still possible), I'm on the Dodger wagon for the WS. Anyone but the Astros!
  8. Seems like he's been pitching for 30 years. Probably because he's played for 9 teams (4 of them twice!).
  9. I don't understand the Walton love. Has everyone forgotten about when he called the game for our basketball team that was sponsored by Alibaba?
  10. Unfortunately, LA will win this series despite that fucking idiot.
  11. Yep. I realize they're up 2-1, but it just feels like all the momentum of the series has switched dugouts with that comeback. Got a bad feeling the Braves will be down 3-2 when this series heads back east.
  12. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined Freddie Freeman would be 0 for 8 with 7 Ks and the Braves would be up 2-0!
  13. And I took a shit at 8am this morning. Doesn't mean I will at 8am tomorrow morning. I'm not saying we wont win right away, but the way this last decade has gone I'd say odds are we wont be any better than a 7-5 team (with 2-3 of those wins being OOC). And to suggest we will win right away just because aggy did is ridiculous.
  14. Have you watched the games the past two Saturdays? The only reason we won't lose three weekends in a row is because they're off this coming weekend. Changing conferences won't change the culture.
  15. We need need mean and nasty motherfuckers in the trenches. I'd take this guy over what we currently have! pancake block.mp4
  16. I mean, others have thought that, too, only to catch Covid and die. But they were likely just shitty people who God didn't really like. But she should be just fine.
  17. See the substance Maldonado hid in his lip while whispering to Pressly after the last out?
  18. Didn't see that, but I saw Maldonado hiding the Vaseline in his lip after the game. 😂
  19. Why is the damn catcher set up BEHIND the plate on the throw home? Wouldn't have got the runner, but it damn sure would have been closer if he was set up a foot and a half further up.
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