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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Boston relievers are just.....well, trash.
  2. Mike Adams is the only WR I can think of in the early to mid 90s who played more than 4 years. But he wasn't white. Still isn't.
  3. How is that not reviewable? What is the point of having reviews?
  4. Who the fuck is Horn in Agggieland over there? Fuck that guy right in his pee hole.
  5. So it takes place in 1995, where the 70s show left off basically on the first day of 1980. Donna must have got knocked up not long after the old series ended.
  6. Yours. If the ball hits you in the strike zone then it's a strike.
  7. Tell me you don't understand how weather works without saying you don't know how weather works.
  8. For a day that started off so glorious, its turned out to be one of the worst fucking Saturday's in my 52 years. The only thing that could make it worse if if my dog got run over. If you need me, I'll be out in the motherfucking shed.
  9. Why in the fuck do you even bring that goddamn ball out of the end zone?
  10. If we don't score at least a FG on this drive we're done. We may even be done with only a FG. We need a fucking TD!
  11. Rattler IS their backup QB from here on out.
  12. Fuck no. Her prayer warriors pulled her through. She's recovering and will now double down on her bullshit.
  13. Sooner fans tailgating in the backyard. Sooner fans tweeking.mp4
  14. Yeah, here's another - https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/post/heidi-heubel-hitt-50-realtor-qanon-anti-vaxxer-hospitalized-with-covid
  15. Been meaning to post this for a few days but kept waiting to see if she and her husband took a turn for the worst. They are friends of a friend who live in the Longview area and all she does is peddle MAGA and anti-vax shit on social media all day. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/post/heidi-heubel-hitt-50-realtor-qanon-anti-vaxxer-hospitalized-with-covid What is it with the realty business that attracts all the fucking nuts?
  16. Well, ABC just flipped to the BiZon game here. 20211002_130058.mp4
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