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Everything posted by Burt

  1. I haven't been seeing them the past couple of days.
  2. I keep getting redirected to this in the CR every time I open a thread.
  3. Got shot #2 of Moderna on Wednesday. Both shoulders hurt like hell through Friday morning - left from the shot, right from throwing long toss with my outfielders at practice.
  4. He never said you were. Oh wait, you thought he said pull DOWN your britches?
  5. But behind closed doors, they use them and they have them. They're like Baptists, but with birth control rather than liquor.
  6. Hold on a minute. I thought she said she was not gonna have it. They must not have heard her.
  7. Don't know if I'd go that far. Our governor and legislators are trying to figure out ways to bypass the will of the people on rec weed.
  8. But if he'd looked like this they never would have approached him.
  9. Burt

    2021 MLB Thread

    That was fucking pathetic!
  10. Burt

    Dan Crenshaw

    In Dan's defense, he can't help but see the glass half empty.
  11. Burt

    Dan Crenshaw

    No, the hardest part is not telling everyone you have an Ivy League education.
  12. https://news.yahoo.com/andrew-giuliani-says-plans-run-133949571.html Do any of these dumbass Trumptards look normal??? Also, there's this....
  13. Women first, huh? It's a little too late to be changing the batting order now.
  14. Their mommas know. They were Baptist girls once.
  15. Yeah, but it would have all been for naught if not for them having a floor general like Pearl Washington.
  16. Every Longhorn on the floor right now is biting their tongue hoping blood forces them off the court. Soft bitches.
  17. My 8 yr old daughter keeps bugging me to watch her play Minecraft on the Switch. I'm not even mad that she's interrupting the game.
  18. Will we ever have a big man who plays bigger than 6'4" and can finish down low?
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