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Everything posted by Burt

  1. It sounds like that $1.2 million salary over four years could come in handy right about now.
  2. Burt

    I got stimulused

    Do you owe money to any baby mommas or baby mommas mommas out there?
  3. Burt

    I got stimulused

    How long are they rolling the stimulus money out? My son still hasn't gotten anything. He tried checking the online tool, but he used his address from his 2019 taxes, but has since moved and had filed his 2020 taxes about 10 days before Biden sign the bill into law. The online tool gave him an error so he tried his current address. However, he got a message saying he'd already made one attempt and could not try again for 24 hours. He got the first two rounds direct deposited into his account.
  4. Abbott will roll in any minute now to ramp things up.
  5. Has anyone ever considered tariffs to help out the farmers?
  6. Burt


    I have a 40 yr old libertarian friend who, on the surface, appears to be the ultimate alpha male - three time state rasslin champion in high school, good baseball player, etc. Sometime around 2015 he morphed into a total Trumptard and the word 'cuck' became part of his regular vernacular. In 2018 his wife started fucking a guy in his mid 20s. He found this out by coming home early and actually seeing firsthand that guy's cock inside his wife. He just turned and went back outside to wait on the guy to leave. He and his wife are still married but he no longer uses the word.
  7. Well, to be fair you were right. Eventually.
  8. But if we post to it every few days maybe it'll expedite his death. Worked with Rush's thread.
  9. Exactly. Put their asses on the record!
  10. Manchin is LOOKING for a reason to jump parties to save his political ass. He'll be a republican before 2022 rolls around.
  11. I dont understand what is happening. Am I too smart?
  12. I have too damn many in my rotation. - Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend - The Czabecast - Making Sense with Sam Harris - Republicans Defeating Trump (The Lincoln Project) - Smartless (Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, Wil Arnett) - War Room (James Carville, Al Hunt) - The Daily (NY Times) - Up First (NPR) - Today in Focus (The Guardian) - SurlyHorns - Yahoo Sports College (Pat Forde, Dan Wetzel)
  13. I finally made contact with my half-sister last week. I figured out who her son is and he seemed to be semi-active on FB so I sent him a message. That message went unread for over a week, though, because it went to his "other" message box. So I sent a friend request and he accepted (no idea why). Then I sent him another message so he'd see the first one. He passed on my message to his mom and she replied to the one I sent and gave me her number. I texted her and told her to call when she had free time. Four hours later she finally calls. The first thing she told me was she would have called sooner but her son just called and her house is on fire...and the dog must have been, too, because she could hear it screaming in the background. Who the fuck calls a stranger when their house is on fire?? I finally got it out of her that the home is in Sugar Land and her son and his uncle were living in it. She was up north of Houston near Spring and was driving there while she called. So she tells me she doesn't know a whole lot about our dad as he left when she was in kindergarten never to be seen again. She did call him when she was 25, and after she told him who she was he said that if she ever called again that he'd get a restraining order. I asked if we had any other siblings and she said no, but we almost did. Her mom was 8 months pregnant when she (at age 4) and her mom walked in one day and our dad was having a drunken threesome with two teenagers. Not sure how she, as a 4 yr old, knew their age. And looking back, I wish I'd asked what she meant by "teenagers" as there's a huge difference between a 13 yr old and a 19 yr old. But at the same time, I'm not sure I want to know. Anyway, her mom started fighting with the girls and wound up losing the baby. So we have no other siblings that she knows of. The next day she sent me the only picture she has of dear ol' dad. Then she proceeds to tell me about herself. She went to rehab for the first time at 13, had her son at 14, got married for the first time at 16, was almost beat to death with steel-toed boots by that husband and his friend, and went to rehab again at 30. Her last ex husband ws murdered this past October. And now she's engaged to a 74 yr old man. She's 44. I haven't heard anything back from her since last Sunday night. Not really sure how involved in all that shit I really want to be anyway. But my full sister and I are getting along great, though. We have texted or talked every day since our first conversation back on Jan 18th. We'll probably try and meet sometime next fall. I'd like to do it sooner, but once softball begins in a few weeks I'll be tied up coaching that until the end of July, and then my son gets married in August.
  14. Slapped his fucking shooting hand. Dont really matter, I guess, because there's no way he's making both those FTs.
  15. I cant tell if you're talking about this game, or this season.
  16. Well, this was fun but I think I've seen this ending before.
  17. Saw it in a Texarkana theater. The acting was horrible (even Blair Underwood), but the soundtrack was awesome!
  18. No way! Not that he died, but no way he and I were the same age! I thought for sure he was at least 10 years older than me when I was listening to them back in the 80s. Wow!
  19. Hottest: 117 while on a month long exercise at the Nat. Training Center in Ft Irwin, CA in Aug 1993. Coldest: -47 in Barrow, AK Feb 1999. It didn't get above -40 for almost 48 hours! 165 degree swing.
  20. #3 on mine, but I listed mine oldest to youngest. If I listed them by how much I wanted them to die he would've been at the top.
  21. Fuck that! I hope a pack of dogs shit IN it!
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