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Everything posted by Burt

  1. They'll probably just make us watch them bump dickheads here.
  2. He says he doesn't want politics in it, so he brings politics into it with his "Star Spangled Banner Protection Act".
  3. I may be wrong, but I think its standard.
  4. CBS All Access is offering a free trial, too. At least if you forget to cancel that it'll only put you out $6.
  5. I think I had her in my 2011 pool. All the snickering when I drafted her makes sense now.
  6. Homeboy threw in the towel..... Fuck, that was a great album! Still is, in fact.
  7. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure where she is now. The last address I found for her on mylife.com has her in Houston. But when I plug that address into google maps its an empty lot. Either she's homeless or something has been built on the lot since the google car drove by.
  8. We (my sister and I) know who our birth dad is (verified with mom), but are having trouble finding out much about him. It looks like he was in and out of marriages through the 70s and 80s, and then died in Elkhart in 2012. He was buried in a veteran's cemetery in Houston. I did find his junior yearbook online last night, and he looked nothing at all like I was expecting. We have since tracked down a half-sister, but have yet to get a response back from her. Her last login into the site was "3 to 11 months ago" according to her profile. I've also found her on FB, but she has 3 or 4 different accounts and there doesn't seem to be much activity on any of them. Seems to be one of those who makes an account, forgets her password then moves on to another account. She's already pissing me off for that reason alone! We decided we'd give it a couple of weeks to see if she responds to our message on Ancestry, and will move on to trying her FB accounts if we don't hear anything. We've talked on the phone for the first time Saturday morning for over an hour, then again last night for about 45 minutes. I was worried we wouldn't have much to say and there'd be a lot of moments of uncomfortable silence. But after the first couple of awkward moments, it was like we already knew each other. She seems to be a cool ass chic that would be fun to hang out with. She's even FB stalked me and none of my occasional rants on religion or politics seems to have turned her away. Not yet anyway.
  9. I've had DISH for going on 17 years now. Two years ago I renegotiated the Top 200 package with a Hopper 3 and a two Joeys down to $92/month. Streaming wasn't much of an option because our internet speeds weren't great, plus Hulu, Youtube and Sling weren't yet offering local channels in our area. So I didn't have a whole lot of leverage. Today was the last day of that two year commitment and my bill was going back up to $122/month. We now have fiber for internet so I no longer have concerns about streaming. I made a list of all the channels we watch on Dish and cross-referenced to what we could get in we cut the cord. Youtube was the closest we could get, but we'd still lose Longhorn and Hallmark (and those fucking Christmas movies that they show one after another for four goddamn months straight). I have a way around the Longhorn thing, but the Hallmark is a deal-breaker...no Hallmark, no BJs. So I'd be spitting out $65/month for Youtube and $8/month for something called frndly TV to get Hallmark. I called Dish today to tell them they had to get me down close to that or I would have to cancel. I'd cleared a couple of hours off my evening expecting it to last awhile. 20 minutes later, I'm getting the same package I'd already had, plus 4 months of Showtime and Starz for $77/month for a year. I give up a few extra bucks a month for the convenience of continuing to use what we already have.
  10. Today is my birthday. One of the best presents I've ever received!
  11. I want to publicly shame her first.
  12. Guess I left that part out. My wife kept telling me last week to call my mom. She finally sent her a text half-ass joking that Ancestry.com showed a full sibling. My mom kind of jokingly said, "yeah, he has a brother" and left it at that. But she knew what was eventually coming. In hindsight, that's probably good because it gave her time to prepare for it rather than me just dropping the bomb out of the blue. If anything, I'm his daddy. Mainly because I think I'm older than him, but also because I do remember his mom. 😄
  13. I called my mom Sunday afternoon. After a few minutes of small talk about my brother's shithead grandkids and the flurries of snow that caused them to have to run to the grocery store for milk, bread and eggs, I told her I needed to ask her something. She said she already knew what I was going to ask and that it was true...I have a full sister out there born about 18 months after me. Its also true that my dad isn't my birth dad. He adopted me right after they were married in 1971. He's always My dad did not know about my sister, however, as they were not yet together (my mom told him Friday night anticipating that I'd some come calling). Only a handful of people close to my mom knew about my sister, and that breaks my heart. She and I have only exchanged a message on Ancestry thus far, but I've Facebook stalked her and she's a beautiful lady and thankfully had a great upbringing (but she likes Luke Bryan). I feel like I've missed out on a lot not having her in my life. I feel guilty, too, that the reason my mom didn't keep her was because she already had me and could not take care of two kids at the age of 21. I hope she wants some type of connection, even if its only very casual. But I'd understand if she doesn't and I never hear from her again. I'm not mad or upset about any this being hidden. And I told my parents that, too, and this it doesn't change the way I feel about either of them. But it IS a lot to process as evident by me still up at 1:30 in the morning.
  14. I broke down and sent her a message on the site last night and she replied a couple of hours ago. She was adopted right from the hospital in Bowie county (must have been much easier back then). She was born in 1970, a year before my parents married. I'm making a phone call to my parents now. I've prepared myself that I'm probably going to find out my dad isn't my birth day...if they'll just be honest with me. And that's cool....he's still my dad.
  15. None who I know anyway. But as far as I can tell, there's no way of knowing which side they are on unless you already know them or if they have a family tree that is viewable to the public.
  16. No, I'm definitely her son. The genes are strong on that side. My son looks just like me, i look like my mom, she looks like her dad, he looked like his dad, etc.
  17. A little backstory - I was born in Jan 1969 (yeah, I'm an old fuck). Both my parents were 20 at the time. My dad got drafted and went to 'Nam in mid to late in 1970, came back a year later, we moved to Ft Lee, VA so he could finish out his enlistment, we moved back to Bowie county and lived (what I thought was) a normal American middle class life. Growing up, I always joked with my dad that he may not be my birth dad because we were so different. We didn't look alike at all, nor did we share any of the same interests. He liked to hunt, fish and tinker with cars. I was the athlete of the family, playing either football, baseball or basketball ALL the time...it pretty much consumed my life (still does). I'd occasionally go hunting or fishing with him, but all I thought about was sports while doing it. And he'd coach my sports teams, but didn't really know how to coach us other than the "rock and fire" and "keep you eye on the ball" junk. But we got along and all was good. But in the back of my mind I always wondered just a little bit. Fast-forward to 2009. I'm helping my son do a simple family tree for a course in high school. While researching things, I come across and old marriage record showing someone with my dad's name married someone NOT my mom's name in 1968. I got to looking closer and the marriage occurred in Bowie county. My dad's name is not common at all so I call my mom and ask her about it. Come to find out, he and my mom broke up a few months after high school and he got pissed and married someone a couple of months later to make her mad. It was annulled about 10 weeks later, but still. Why keep that from me all these years??? Fast-forward again to a few years later in October 2015. I log into my Facebook account and start scrolling hoping to find posts from my aggy friends in which I can troll. One of the first posts I scroll across is from my mom. I'd forgotten it was their wedding anniversary. She was posting about celebrating their 44th wedding anniversary. What the fuck...I'm 46! So that's another phone call I had to make. Apparently they were together, but didn't get married until I was 2. That's the story anyway. True or not, the fact remains I was born a bastard. I told you all of that so I could tell you this - my wife, daughter and my son's fiancé were in Billings earlier this week wedding dress shopping leaving me alone. There's only so much porn a 51 yr old man can browse, so I randomly logged into my Ancestory.com account to kill an hour (my typical first refractory period). This is what I immediately saw: My first reaction was 'no fucking way'. Then I remembered.....oh yeah, the story of my life has been one big lie after another. A quick Facebook search turned up a hit in, you guessed it, Bowie county. Further investigation showed that she's a year younger than me. We also shared 5 FB friends, and one happened to be the sister of one of my good HS friends who I still occasionally keep in touch with. So I called my friend, explained my predicament and asked her if she happened to know this possible newfound sibling of mine. After laughing hysterically for a couple of minutes she said she does know who she is, but says she'd ask her sister to try and get more info. An hour later, I get a text that says she was in fact adopted but that her sister didn't know all the details. She has another friend that is very good friends with her and she's going to call her tomorrow and ask around. My wife suggested I just send her a message through the website and see if she knows the story. But I noticed on FB that her mom just died two weeks ago from Covid after a two month battle. I dont want to throw more on her plate just yet. Obviously she knows she's adopted if my friend's sister knows, but she may not know she has a sibling who is a bastard, and she may not want to know. Everything I've read the past couple of days regarding the length (cM) and number of segments DNA indicates we are full siblings (typically range from 2200-3400), but there's still a possibility we are half-siblings. Of course, I have a lot of unanswered questions. Is she a full sibling? A half sibling? Is it even possible she's not a sibling at all? If she is, did my parents put her up for adoption after I was born? Could we be full siblings and who I've thought was my dad isn't my birth dad at all? Because she was born before my parents were married. Did my dad cheat on my mom and no one but him and the woman he cheated with know about it? I've got a lot of shit to work through.
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