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Everything posted by Burt

  1. The smaller schools are excited?
  2. Dabo's after-game meal is going to be his words.
  3. We've had a yearly thread for Donald Fucking Trump during his presidency. We need one for the guy who is going to toss Trump out on his ass in 20 days, too.
  4. Yoko Ono - 87 Randy Meisner - 74 Rush Limbaugh - 69 Ron Jeremy - 67 Jesco White - 64 Val Kilmer - 61 Randy Travis - 61 Michael J Fox - 59 Sig Hansen - 54 Kane Brown - 27 (this is just me hoping the 27 thing has one more slug in it)
  5. Am I to take your neg to mean you voted for her?
  6. I still cant believe this won an election in Austin, Texas.
  7. It could be their scarlet letter.
  8. I think you're burying the wrong man.
  9. With the exception of Carter, this reads like my wish list!
  10. My wife got the first round of Moderna Monday morning. I thought about making her microchipped ass sleep in the shed tonight. I got a BJ instead so maybe the Qs were right about it changing ones DNA.
  11. The lyrics didn't contain enough of the main ingredients of bro-country: the weekend, a cooler in the back, a girl in jean shorts, moonlight, a creek and a mess of catfish.
  12. My soon-to-be 102 yr old grandmother is in a nursing home in Cass County. They were allowing visitors inside and she and 21 other residents caught the virus a couple of weeks ago. She fucking beat it! She's by far the toughest person I've ever known. She came to visit us after we first moved to Montana back in 2001. She was walking the trails of the steep hills across from our property with no problem at all. Meanwhile, the rest of us were winded. Two weeks after returning home she was standing on a chair trying to get something in a cabinet over the fridge. She fell and broke her hip. I thought for sure I'd be going to a funeral within the next year. Instead, she's beating back the second huge pandemic of her lifetime. tldr - old people are tough; we're a bunch of pussies.
  13. I hate to say it because I loved this guy, but I hear a tad of Johnny Carson in there.
  14. He's in my prayers. And if they're answered then soon we'll be able to use the "well.....bye" gif in this thread.
  15. How long will it take Trump to work through the pardons that are somehow personally tied to him to get to the ones that are really warranted?
  16. Selected #1, crossing fingers for #4.
  17. Why would you intentionally buy a shirt for a higher price?
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