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Everything posted by Burt

  1. So THAT'S why it hasn't been working.
  2. Good thing I have my mop and bucket stored right next to the rake I use for clearing the forest.
  3. Dont quote him, boy, he aint said shit.
  4. Dont quote him, boy, he aint said shit.
  5. I think he's trying to say he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, but without just coming out and saying it. That's what I got from it anyway.
  6. Wont matter. They'll get back in line eventually.
  7. Actually, it would be interesting to see a 4th grader diagram his sentences.
  8. If I did that it'd just be my wife and I posting back and forth to each other.
  9. This may have already been discussed since it came out almost two years ago, but I stumbled across The Dawn Wall a few days ago. Its about Tommy Caldwell's 19 climb of the El Capitan's Dawn Wall and what lead him to his decision to attempt it.
  10. Why did she have her brother kill himself? She just a bitch like that? Seriously, that sucks. Hate that your friend is having to deal with something like that.
  11. Its between him and Earl for me. Campbell WAS my childhood. I even got to see him play in a high school game in 1973 (my dad took me but I was 4 and dont remember shit about it).
  12. This still isnt getting near the coverage that it should. Farmers Got Billions From Taxpayers In 2019, And Hardly Anyone Objected https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/12/31/790261705/farmers-got-billions-from-taxpayers-in-2019-and-hardly-anyone-objected "For one thing, it's an enormous amount of money, more than the final cost of bailing out the auto industry during the financial crisis of 2008. The auto industry bailout was fiercely debated in Congress. Yet the USDA created this new program out of thin air; it decided that an old law authorizing a USDA program called the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) already gave it the authority to spend this money."
  13. Just wanted to say fuck this guy on page 1.
  14. $100,000k is 100 million. Seems like a lot.
  15. I had this pinned to the top of my news feed when I opened Facebook a few minutes ago. Notice the options....none given for a poor job.
  16. Rez ni... that's what they call the trashy of their own up here.
  17. Poor white trash has been voting against their better interest for going on 3 decades. A black man may as well do it, too.
  18. It'll pick up come next spring.
  19. Grain farmers are hurting, too. Grain bins are full from one corner of the state to the other. Not because it was a great harvest, but because no one (China) is buying our grain. We've run out of bins to store it so farmers are resorting to storing it on the ground in vacuum sealed bags. These bags are an additional $1000 expenditure that wont be recouped. And once the deer and mice get into the bags, so will moisture. But their support of Simpleton Jesus will not waver. I wish I'd had the forethought to get some photos around the area before the snow fell. Kind of hard to see it with snow on the ground. https://images.app.goo.gl/zb7uvv2C3gU65xVXA
  20. That one hits close to home. Because, well, it IS close to home.
  21. The "clan" part rolled off his tongue effortlessly, though.
  22. DISH pisses me off. They've been fighting with FoxSports since before football season even began so I wasn't able to watch any of the games of FoxSW.
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