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Everything posted by Burt

  1. I guess word got back to him the smaller farms are starting to get pissed they aren't getting any of that Trumpcash. But he'd be better served to continue dangling that carrot out front of them and stringing them along. Their support of him runs even deeper right now because they are holding on in hopes of getting that money some day.
  2. Good news...my son and his girlfriend drove down to Ames for the game. He's never witnessed a Longhorn loss in person.
  3. People who put ketchup on a well-marbled ribeye...even if that person is my 7 yr old daughter.
  4. How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over it?
  5. We always have fall (and spring. and summer. and...) pictures taken of our little girl. This year she wanted Allie to be in some of them. Allie loved the ones where she got to play, but didn't care much for the others.
  6. If I just read the words and wasnt aware who typed them, I wouldn't be able to tell if they were from Alabama or Louisiana. Or Mississippi. Or Arkansas.
  7. As someone who was raised Baptist I have to ask, is there anything Baptists DO care for other than other Baptists? I'd never knowingly met a Morman before moving to Montana, but the town I now live in has a large Mormon community relative to the size of our little town. I work with one, my daughter's 1st grade teacher is one, and my wife works with quite a few at our hospital. All the ones we personally know are some of the friendliest folks we've ever met. But damn, they believe some of the craziest shit imaginable. It amazes me how doctors, nurses, meteorologists and other highly intelligent people can follow such ridiculousness no questions asked. Then again, I cant comprehend how Baptists believe what they believe either.
  8. With a Big Mac just out of reach, but close enough that if he had hands proportional to his size he'd be able to grab it.
  9. That's about the Navy....still a 'guy fucking guy' theme.
  10. Not Pastor Wilson. He eats that box like its The Last Supper!
  11. More than once... Big man, pig manHaha, charade you are You well-heeled big wheelHaha, charade you areAnd when your hand is on your heartYou're nearly a good laugh, almost a jokerWith your head down in the pig binSayin', "Keep on digging"Pig stain on your fat chinWhat do you hope to findDown in the pig mine?
  12. I'd hazard a guess that most here haven't. including me. And having an ambulance in formation to just go play a round of golf seems like overkill....even for a president.
  13. An ambulance has to go everywhere with him?
  14. I went back and read a couple of pages of this thread around the time it happened (12:11pm) and didn't see anyone acknowledge....but when they had that shitty punt with a little under 6 minutes left in the half, it went out of bounds at our 34. But when the drive started, we had the ball at the 24. Was there a penalty??? Gus and Klickity Klatt were too busy playing grab ass and didn't address it. So what happened?
  15. NachoSarah is a great follow, for wit and for tit.
  16. Lately, every time I walk away from this threat for even for 5 hours I get 2, 3, and sometimes 5 pages behind. Then while scrolling through the pages yet another page behind! So it got me to wondering...was the 2018 thread the same way? Come to find out it moved even faster. That thread began on March 25th...and accumulated 896 pages in 282 days. This year's thread is "only" on page 797 (unless another was added while I typed this) in...get this --- 282 days. There's your fucking stat of the day. Now back to our eventual Trumpagedon......
  17. Yep. And I meant to attribute that to a mook here in my office from earlier this morning, got sidetracked with other shit, then came back and posted without adding that.
  18. Because he was making $50k/month! That's like $6 million, dude!
  19. I want you to show me the way
  20. So Allie is a little over a year and a half now. Her mom is a yellow lab who belongs to a guy I coach with. She got out of his backyard when she went into heat so he isn't certain who the dad is. She looks mostly like a Lab, but she has a slightly larger head, is broader in the shoulders and is taller than others we've had. She's mostly black, but the undercoat behind her ears is blond, and she looks deep brown/red when the sunlight hits her right. She also weighs over 90 lbs whereas most female labs typically weigh between 60 to 75 lbs. Any ideas?
  21. More like trucks and vehicles. All trucks are vehicles....but not the other way around.
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