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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Some pretty good videos in this thread.
  2. Stay tuned!
  3. I could be wrong, but I believe that was from a couple of weeks ago. Also...
  4. Trump shits all over the troops again; supporters dig heels in deeper Fixed the the title of your thread.
  5. But Obama cant run for a third term because its against the rules!
  6. "The remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by a sibling. " Not completely true. His brother decided to die when he heard Donald was coming to visit a couple of weeks ago. THAT is a critical comment!
  7. After housing that cocksucker and his family for the past 4 years, that place will be in NEED of a torching.
  8. If I understand correctly, they banned them while at work. If I owned a business, I wouldn't want that distraction brought into the workplace either. I'm sure it would go both ways, but libs don't wear their political affiliation on their sleeve day and night like a cultist.
  9. Tire builders who depend on those tires being sold to provide for their family should love this.
  10. Are you kidding? True MAGAs would fight to the death to go in immediately after him!
  11. They get it directly from HIM!
  12. You a Cass county boy, or just passing through? My grandmother (from Douglassville) told me there used to be a cafe in Linden back in the 50s and 60s where they all met. Of course, everyone in Kildare and Linden are all related in multiple ways so they may have had meetings in numerous places.
  13. Why not? It works with hurricanes.
  14. For a wartime president, he sure doesn't know shit about war. Or pandemics. Or anything else for that matter.
  15. I work with a guy who has a son who attends that school. /csb
  16. Finally got my new flag hoisted. As one of only 3 non-Trumpers on the block (the other two being my wife and daughter), its certain to be a big hit among the neighbors.
  17. "A White House official noted to the New York Times that Mount Rushmore is a federal, not a state monument." Its not US you need to be informing, "White House official"!
  18. Here's the one I keep hoping I can put out before the end of the year.
  19. And he said When I walk it sounds like thunder And when I talk my words are just blunder
  20. Governor. And from what I'm being told by my Facebook covid expert friends, the best governor EVAR!
  21. What he needs is to be #140,001. We all need him to be.
  22. Now I chi'll real i'll when I start to chi'llWhen I fi'll my pockets with a knot of dollar bi'llsSipping pints of ale out the window si'llWhen I get my fi'll I'm chi'lly chi'll
  23. Why not? He's lied everywhere else.
  24. But just one of, right?
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