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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Hell, the guy on the left was in the process of calling the photographer one when the photo snapped.
  2. Took that belt right off Donald Trump's desk!
  3. Wearing a campaign hat to the Army-Navy game. There is nothing he wont politicize.
  4. Wow! Its gonna take years to get all the crazy out of that place!
  5. Sorry, Bogey. One of the hardest things a guy has to do. I had to put my boy down a couple of years ago on the morning of the Texas-ou game. I just sat there in front of the TV in a daze the entire game. Didn't even really give a shit about what was happening with the game.
  6. Not sure. I do know, though, they are both a certain kind of dog.
  7. Or have social media accounts. And if they do have one then they cant vote.
  8. AsG?
  9. Gonna be hard to go 6-8, but if there's anyone who can do it its this team.
  10. Yeah, truly independent voters right there. I had a few minutes of downtime here at the office so decided to click on about 20 random profiles of these "independents". An independent voter is not going to feed full of retweets from Tucker, Ingraham, and AOC conspiracy theories...which is what most of these so-called independent voters tweets and retweet were full of.
  11. I agree. If changing the party of the Exec branch were to occur via impeachment and removal, we'll be in for a shit show of epic proportions the next time we have a Dem pres and both chambers of the legislative branch are controlled by Reps.
  12. They're given time, but they use it to grandstand instead.
  13. My wife is not political at all. We both agree that Trump eats shit straight from the hole but that's the extent of it. As for the rest of my family, most all of them live in Bowie/Cass/Miller (Ark) counties, so I'm pretty much on a libtard island all alone. I try to discuss politics with them when I go back and visit, but they will no longer engage. Having a black man as president immediately follow by Trumpopotamus has pretty much ruined my relationship with all but one of my dad's five sisters and their families.
  14. Who's the brunette behind Carson peaking around the corner?
  15. Because they think he's really a white nationalist.
  16. Here's another more accurate x-ray that was just leaked from Trump's last visit with Putin.... (NSFW so posting link rather than embedding) https://cakeheadlovesevil.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/blow1_wim_delvoye1.jpg
  17. Kay and Steve are both in the agriculture business. They not only still love the guy, but think he's presidency is fulfilling a prophecy.
  18. I guess word got back to him the smaller farms are starting to get pissed they aren't getting any of that Trumpcash. But he'd be better served to continue dangling that carrot out front of them and stringing them along. Their support of him runs even deeper right now because they are holding on in hopes of getting that money some day.
  19. Good news...my son and his girlfriend drove down to Ames for the game. He's never witnessed a Longhorn loss in person.
  20. People who put ketchup on a well-marbled ribeye...even if that person is my 7 yr old daughter.
  21. How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over it?
  22. We always have fall (and spring. and summer. and...) pictures taken of our little girl. This year she wanted Allie to be in some of them. Allie loved the ones where she got to play, but didn't care much for the others.
  23. If I just read the words and wasnt aware who typed them, I wouldn't be able to tell if they were from Alabama or Louisiana. Or Mississippi. Or Arkansas.
  24. As someone who was raised Baptist I have to ask, is there anything Baptists DO care for other than other Baptists? I'd never knowingly met a Morman before moving to Montana, but the town I now live in has a large Mormon community relative to the size of our little town. I work with one, my daughter's 1st grade teacher is one, and my wife works with quite a few at our hospital. All the ones we personally know are some of the friendliest folks we've ever met. But damn, they believe some of the craziest shit imaginable. It amazes me how doctors, nurses, meteorologists and other highly intelligent people can follow such ridiculousness no questions asked. Then again, I cant comprehend how Baptists believe what they believe either.
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