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Everything posted by Burt

  1. I had one of those in Arlington on Cooper St back in the 80s. Between that and dating a preacher's daughter in high school, this ol' Bowie county country boy's expectation of sexual favors from future women was severely over-inflated.
  2. A professional isn't that obvious! lol
  3. Who "practices" in the 4th quarter of a tight game for a situation that may occur later in the season?
  4. This is worse than 6-man football in central Texas.
  5. Aggy got a whole lot of quit in 'em.
  6. Nice shot, man.
  7. That damn #DeerWeek commercial for the Outdoor Channel plays every fucking time the MLB Network goes to commercial.
  8. Burt

    Ric Ocasek RIP

    Yep, its like everything is "Moving in Stereo" through my mind. Its been "Touch and Go" and "Up and Down" all evening, but "I Refuse" to let it "Strap Me In."
  9. Burt

    Ric Ocasek RIP

    I just heard the news about an hour ago on my "Drive" to the grocery store. "You Might Think" its no big deal, but "I'm Not The One" to agree as their music was "Just What I Needed" back in junior high/high school. They weren't afraid to "Shake It Up" and make new wave popular. So through the "Magic" of the internet, I fired up Pandora on The Cars station and "Let The Good Times Roll." After this news, "It's All I Can Do."
  10. I'm happy this only goes through the mid 90s and doesn't include bro-country jackasses like Luke Bryan and Florida-Georgia Line.
  11. I work for the NWS and we've been trying for DECADES to come up with some sort of apparatus to record temperatures! I'm excited to see what sort of doo-hickey they've jury-rigged to do this. It could be a game changer in the weather industry!!
  12. Went live looking for that slab.
  13. Accuweather doesn't want the warning responsibility...too much liability. Its the forecast they want, and the reason they want it is so everyone has to pay for said forecast. In other words, they want you to pay them for something in which your tax dollar has already paid.
  14. Accuweather. Trump even nominated an Accuweather CEO (Barry Myers) to head NOAA.
  15. Kind of hard to hear, but here it is:
  16. Careful Linthey, if you get too close to that encephalitic head you'll wind up one of its moons.
  17. Anyone know of an online chronological list of all the ridiculous shit Trump and his hatchlings have done or been involved in since Jan 2017? I found one that goes to Oct 2018, but whoever was keeping that updated probably realized it was a futile effort and stopped.
  18. Burt

    Uniform Pron

    Does Mt Dew sponsor them?
  19. All of our offices across the country just got this. NOAA is pretty much throwing our Birmingham office under the bus to appease this fucking idiot.
  20. Somewhere a frilled neck lizard is looking at this and wacking off.
  21. I was just coming to post something about that. I work for NWS and there's a pretty good thread about it on our union FB page. That tweet from our Birmingham office was because they were getting inundated with phone calls about evacuations because of what dipshit said about Bama being hit.
  22. Thoughts and prayers to those affected. If you bookmark this post, you can just copy and paste the statement above onto your favorite social media outlet every time this happens. At the rate we're going, it could save you hundreds of keystrokes by the end of 2019.
  23. That we're even having to ask this says everything we need to know about this administration.
  24. Canadian bacon > American fatback
  25. All the while, scolding those who celebrate the death of Koch.
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