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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Wasnt sure this was true when I first read it earlier today. Sounds like this story has legs, though. I no longer live in Texas, but those of you who still do cannot take this sitting down!
  2. The few I served and still keep in touch with who are still on active duty (not many because I got out 20 years ago) support him. Of those I remain in touch with who are now out, I'd say roughly 75% of them are Always Trumpers.
  3. Yeah, seating is limited....because their "chit chat" is being held at the fucking DoubleTree. Out of curiosity, I checked to see how in demand the VIP seating is at their C-Springs venue coming up in two days. I can still buy 100 seats right now. And Billings not only has VIP seating, but also a V-VIP option.
  4. You underestimate the level of mental gymnastics farm/ranch wives are able to reach when needed to support their original thoughts. The cognitive dissonance well runs DEEP in farm country!
  5. We're banning porn? It so, I'm out!
  6. The 6-man defending state champ up here has this for a logo...
  7. I live in a farming community surrounded by other farming communities that are surrounded by yet other farming communities. You have to drive 5 hours east, 4 hours south or 7 hours west (an hour north is Canada so that doesn't count) to get somewhere that ISN'T a farming community. They rail on welfare constantly! My wife and I went out to eat Saturday night with some friends who farm. He just finished harvesting peas last week and is having a hell of a time finding an elevator that will take them. They're all still sitting on peas from LAST year because there are no buyers. And there aren't any buyers because of Trump's Trade War. He's going to have the same issues here in a few weeks when he harvests his durum wheat and canola. So I asked him if he's come off Trump any since he and I last talked about it in late spring. He (and just about every other farmer up here) is gonna ride that dick right down to the nub. They seem to think this hurt is only temporary...that Trump will get them an even better deal than they had previously. Never mind the fact that China is turning to the Argentina, Brazil and Russia markets so the US farmer may not even get back to where they already were, much less get an even better deal. But as long as Trump continues buying that agriculture vote with subsidies, the Trump support will endure. Oh, BNSF has been furlowing guys left and right because there aren't any crops to move. But those fuckers are still right on board with him, too.
  8. Rogue? Going rogue in this administration would be doing what you are SUPPOSE to do. This isn't rogue...this is the new standard operating procedure.
  9. He IS the shit.
  10. One thing he and I have in common is neither of us would stand in line to eat that shit.
  11. Burt

    Shit My Kid Says

    Is he dabbing at the end? lol
  12. Burt

    Shit My Kid Says

    What did your kid have to say about it?
  13. I've been using Shutterfly for the past few years and have been more than happy with them. It usually takes a week or so to get them, but the quality is much better that the photo kiosks at box stores.
  14. I never have. Been banned, I mean.
  15. Looks like they are getting compressed by this site, so if you right click and open in a new tab/window it will show the photo correctly.
  16. Burt

    Shit My Kid Says

    No, the landscaper that comes over when JSB is at work is black.
  17. But you thought a Trumpkin reading this thread likely wouldn't know what it meant? Way to know your audience!
  18. To me it feels like every day he continues to speak as the leader of this country is June 6, 1944.
  19. That's Diamond AND Silk.
  20. Fuck, I was just about to post this!
  21. Burt

    Shit My Kid Says

    A few months ago I bought pink raquetballs to play fetch with our lab because they were easier to see in the snow. They were on their last leg so I ordered more on Amazon, however, they were out of pink ones. My 6 year old loves to open Amazon packages so I gave her the box when they were delivered. When unboxing them, she turned to my wife and said, "Daddy has blue balls!" Guilty!
  22. Great Falls is represented by Tera Patrick. I knew the name and knew she's an actress. However, I couldn't place her so I googled her. From work. Now I remember where I've seen her.
  23. But people know him for what he did in Fargo, not Bismarck.
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