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Posts posted by Burt

  1. Almost 14 years ago to the day we brought Candy home under the guise that she'd be a birthday present for both my wife and son. Within a week she had adopted me, though, following me everywhere I went. She was a very smart dog who learned very quickly that she could milk me for treats by doing all the tricks I'd taught her.

    We lost her earlier this morning. Holly let her out and when she went back to get her she had passed away in the back yard. She had been on heart medication for about a year so we knew the time was coming soon, but it still doesn't make it any easier.  She was my football buddy always lay in my lap while watching Horns....right up until I started yelling.  Then she'd hop off the couch and stand at the edge of the room staring at me like in the upper left of this pic until I calmed down. 

    This is the second dog I've had to bury on the morning before a Longhorn game in the past two years.

    Gonna miss this girl but she had a hell of a 14 1/2 year run.




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  2. 15 hours ago, Kyrie Eleison said:


    a LuAnn platter with CFS, mashed, blackeyes, fried okra and one of those glorious Luby rolls sounds pretty righteous right about now...


    I haven't ate at Luby's in well over a decade.  We use to eat at the one in Killeen (post-massacre) all the time back in my Air Force days. We also had a Bryce's in Texarkana that was pretty damn sweet, too....especially the one in old downtown.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    We're about this far ---> | - | away from FoxNews being state-run media. Think about that.....we're getting closer and closer to being no different than NK, China, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

  4. 1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    what a time to be alive

    "I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!"

    I use the same rule for a president.

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