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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Finally! Something on which he and I see eye to eye.
  2. My daughter heard about this and talked me into letting her do it.
  3. Where you at, Wally?
  4. It's a "Polar Vortex" worthy of constant media attention when it occurs anywhere else. Here, we call it winter.
  5. Fuck, we dont even need one!
  6. We've been below zero since Saturday night and wont get back above it until Friday afternoon (forecast highs Friday - Sunday only around 4 above). But I'm not hearing anyone whining like a bitch like everyone from Minnesota (not counting you @MNLonghornFUKM) and points east did last week when it was cold there for a couple of days.
  7. His abhorrence of the written word?
  8. Trump on CNN right now: "We're building a lot of Wall. Wall is being built as we speak with cash we have on hand and it has been redesigned and is very attractive." So if "Wall" is already being built, why a 35 day shutdown, with another pending in two weeks?
  9. Isn't that Arkansas?
  10. I'm not sure what's worse...that he cannot distinguish between weather and climate, or him suggesting that the Midwest is beautiful.
  11. For me, its the strip of grass that little fucker is going to leave behind by not being able to mow straight.
  12. My pup turns 1 year old in a couple of hours. She's smart as shit, disciplined and stays out of trouble as long as she can see or hear me. Hoping that gets better with age.
  13. There are actually 23% who dont yet have enough information to form an opinion? That's even worse than the 29% who will never waver from supporting an imbecile.
  14. Because we'll get fired if we dont come back. Bored-posted from my desk at work because I'm only allowed to do certain tasks during a shutdown and have run out of things to do.
  15. Listening to this on The Daily podcast right now. Hurd seems to be a reasonable person. He'll be a democrat by 2020.
  16. Fuck no. But that's who is offered up to me every time I tell a conservative that they have no one to assume the funny mantle for them.
  17. Was he trying to rewrite "We Didn't Start the Fire"?
  18. I'm a federal employee (forced to work without pay) and live in an area dominated by agriculture. These past couple of weeks have been eyeopening for me. People who I thought were good friends have shown me their true selves with this shutdown. Granted, I know I live right in the middle of Trump country, but never would I have imagined people I've known for two decades, whom I've shared meals with in their home and in mine, whom my wife and I have donated money, groceries and supplies to when they've hit hard times, or were isolated from their homes due to the Milk River flooding them out.....they have completely flipped and actually happy about this situation. And I dont wish this on anyone, but situations like the people in the article above are what its going to take to break this insanity. Farmers and ranchers are going to have to miss their ag welfare (farm subsidies, CRP payments, etc) before they turn on this hack.
  19. I miss Mexican food already. Our local restaurant just closed this week because the owner was deported.
  20. And instead of stocking the river with gators, we can train chupacabras to attack if anyone makes it to the north bank of the river.
  21. Why do they turn left? Are they always traveling east at the onset of their trip? And what is it about the color blue that makes this particular tape so powerful?
  22. 1. I know that. I thought that was inferred when I called them mooks. 2. Its a trivial amount of wall he want to build. He doesn't give a shit if its warranted or even effective. He just wants to be able to point to something for the mooks addressed above in #1. 3.Get made whole again? Not everyone in my agency is independently wealthy. They can't make ends meet if the government is shut down into March. Hell, I have a guy in my office that isn't going to be able to make it missing this paycheck that would normally be hitting out accounts this weekend.
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