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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. It's a legit term, I looked it up- it's a town in the Texas panhandle.
  2. Hell if I know. He's originally from Refugio, which is odd that a tiny town in South Texas cranked out 2 stud DBs for us in the 80s.
  3. Maybe already posted but Jalen Lott's father James played DB and high jumped for Texas, and his mom played hoops for Texas. Have to think we've got a decent inside track on that one, assuming he's deemed a take.
  4. 16 already? They grow up so fast. Seems like just yesterday he was getting his first pair of gray pajama bottoms.
  5. Or dudes know they can't get NIL until they graduate high school, at least in Texas.
  6. If I recall Mrs smith was all in on the concept of God relaying his wishes directly through her husband, until God suddenly took an interest in Joseph banging teenage girls. Odd. Which reminds me, in the movie it was creepy as fuck when Brigham was blessing the 2 girls and kissing their heads.
  7. Both have nutty origin stories but, as krakauer pointed out in under the banner of heaven, what religion doesn't? Imagine if someone in the last century with all "modern" documentation and newspaper records available tried to claim they were a married virgin impregnated by God? I'll say that I've worked with a few mainstream Mormons (i.e. not crazy polygamist cult offshoots) and they're easy as hell to work with. They take care of their shit, just be sure you don't drop as many "fucks" into the conversations. I've never met a scientologist that I know of, but every story I've ever seen makes them seem bat shit crazy.
  8. Laughing at the thought that aggy is trying to use him to get insight into our offensive playbook.
  9. This. It's like watching the Stanford prison experiment in real time. Some of these idiots need to learn basic calculation of expected future value. The guy that held out for 100k at the very beginning got it. And speaking of money, I just do not understand the economics of streaming. Between insane prize money being thrown around like candy, complex sets and games, thousands of cameras and dozens of support staff, how much money is this costing? How in the hell does Amazon turn a profit?
  10. No West Mall, but there's a reason this notice came out 4 days before inauguration day. Just a hunch it'll get rolled back pretty quickly.
  11. All I remember of it was when Taysom hurdled our DB, which was thankfully not in the movie version.
  12. Not a cat

    Texas GPA

    2013 Nate Boyer - OL 2022 Ovie Oghoufo - DL Better than when we were dumb and lost a lot.
  13. Not a cat

    Texas GPA

    Before the Westlake Mafia hits you with negs, 1971 is Zapalac.
  14. Not a cat

    Texas GPA

    We're making them attend classes during game week? I think I see what's holding us back from that next step.
  15. I'm not saying it didn't happen the way she said, just that in that clip she tries to explain something by reference to her astrological sign. Astrology references are a top 5 red flag for batshit crazy. Plus I'm an Aquarius, completely incompatible with Virgo, everyone knows that.
  16. My somewhat shorter and less detailed story about my trip to Ball high- Bunch of 5 year olds flipping off our bus yelling that the Tors are going to kick our asses, and Patrick Bates almost beheading me on a drag route.
  17. So how does one become an intimacy coordinator?
  18. No, I don't think you do. Every time OSU is losing and they show that face painted bucknuts guy crying, I smile on the inside. Because fuck that guy and those troglodytes in Columbus.
  19. Also looks like he had plenty of room to run for the first down, but I realize he's got a lot of shit he's keeping up with and scrambling is typically a last option for him. But in that game situation, you take a sure first down every single time
  20. Endowment shouldn't have anything to do with AD cash flow other than the overlap mentioned by another poster that the same factors leading to endowment also often lead to healthy athletic departments (bunch of involved alumni with cash).
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