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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Makes total sense if your client is an accountant or banker. But if your client is in Hollywood where public perception directly affects his marketability, I think fighting it in the press also falls under zealous representation of a client's best interest.
  2. Your grandfather was military age in the 1890s? Are you armybrat's sock?
  3. That cost 300MM? I should move to Hollywood and produce really, really shitty movies and sell them to Netflix.
  4. You weren't fired up about beard at the time? The guy that took tech to the finals?
  5. Well I was not pleased when we hired a football coach with a well documented drinking problem who was unceremoniously fired from his last head coaching gig (at a blue blood, no less). Turns out CDC knew more than me. I'm not necessarily saying trust the coaches/AD, I'm just saying if I dislike a hire it has a great chance of working out due to my reverse Midas touch. So pencil in Texas as going deep in your future brackets.
  6. I mean, is this the one time that asking for pics of the daughter is actually appropriate?
  7. This has to do with 24 season since I just started Netflix, but why in the hell was Zak brown not in Azerbaijan? They certainly glossed over the fact that a team principal was just telecommuting to work in the middle of a constructors cup race.
  8. Of all the cop's decisions, this was actually the one that makes the most sense, if you think about it. Give her the van so she can haul ass if she actually feels threatened. If you flip it you've got some young girl stranded in Moab whose only option is to eventually get back in the van with him.
  9. My mother's neighbor was a terminally ill veterinarian who took his dogs with him when he decided to go. On the other hand, I know a girl who went through major depression who told me the only reason that she didn't kill herself is because she was worried about her dog. I'd say I'm closer to the latter, as I can't imagine taking a pet with me unless they were also sick.
  10. Just finished this having no idea about the video games and loved it. I'm not going to spoiler since it's been out almost a year, but how the hell did overseer brain dude in 31 and Lucy's dad not figure out that the folks in 32 had been gone for years?
  11. I had to do MRI a few years ago and told them you're either going to have to give me general anesthesia, or find an open donut MRI. Fortunately found the latter.
  12. Damn MIA, you're actually worse than I am. I can handle enclosed spaces somewhat but only if I conceivably (in my mind at least) have a way to get out. I could hide in a closet (insert nttawwt here) indefinitely but if you lock it I'm going ballistic. But for some reason I can handle planes- don't love being stuck in a big metal tube with dozens of people but for some reason I tolerate it. I've never had a cast but I imagine that would trigger it too. I suspect that I would also freak out at getting cuffed or thrown in a jail cell. Ok, I know that last one for a fact.
  13. TIL that Mona Lisa was once in a serious relationship with Chris Evans. Maybe she's the Pete Davidson of women.
  14. Which programs are the Alabama/OUs of the hoops world that are now losing a competitive advantage due to NIL? Sounds like KU for sure. Kentucky?
  15. I kind of dig the British chick trying out the Good Will Hunting accent. I'm waiting for her to say wicked smaht. Also, spoiler alert, reacher is going to 1) make sweet love to Red Sox gal, and 2) there's gonna be an epic fist fight between reacher and that big body guard in the final episode. I haven't read the book, but just call it a hunch.
  16. Basically what everyone else said but also that you don't double 11 versus an ace if dealer stands on 17 (if you can still find those games). While dealer hitting soft 17 is generally bad for player it does increase the odds the dealer eventually busts, so doubling 11 vs A is a very slight favorite over just hitting (EV of .11 versus .10). https://wizardofodds.com/games/blackjack/hand-calculator/ Here's a good site that gives you EV of each move depending on applicable table rules, your cards and the dealer's. Basically if you typed in every scenario and wrote down the highest ev under each scenario you'd have the basic strategy chart. Note that there are a couple of weird situations where how you get your total (i.e. 6-5 versus 9-2) slightly affects your ev due to there being less remaining good cards because you already ate one with your hand. It's miniscule and usually only comes up in single or double deck games. But if you're going to get that deep in the weeds start counting cards and changing the strategy table based on count (e.g. with any positive count the table rec switches to stand from hit when you have 16 versus 10). Of course, one of the tells of a counter is they don't hit 16 vs 10 when they have a big bet.
  17. I've also noticed that I answer far fewer correctly these days but attributed it to my memory going to shit as I slide out of middle age. I'm hopeful that your theory of it just being harder questions is correct, though I've never rewatched old shows to directly compare.
  18. I always try to pre-guess the final jeopardy based on the subject. I just pick the very first thing that pops in your mind when you see the category -( e.g. if it's "U.S. Authors", immediately say Twain). Of course I try to answer it correctly once I get the actual clue too. I've matched up several times over the years but for the first time I preguessed it correctly but managed to miss the actual clue, which is quite an impressive display of ineptitude. Subject- supreme Court cases. Answer- "this case was reported by the NYT not on its front page, but in the railroad section" I preguessed Plessey, then forgot that plessey involved segregation on a railroad car, and actually guessed wickard v fillburn figuring it was interstate commerce. Well done, jeopardy clue writers, well done. Also, obligatory gif-
  19. Your dad didn't recognize his own grandson?
  20. @66BUFF on Houston, what the hell happened that the NCAA allowed him to waive the requirement to sit out a year before playing for CSU? That was back when the NCAA actually enforced that rule and he just glided through with no problem. I always figured Bienemy did something way worse than just call him Markesha but that's a total guess.
  21. Got my annual physical numbers back and after nearly a year of low carb, no sugar, decent amount of exercise my a1c dropped from 6.1 to 5.6 (5.7 lower tier of prediabetic) but my fasting blood glucose was at 130 after a decade or more of high 90s low 100s (100 is the prediabetic threshold). I told my doc if I've got that high of blood sugar after fasting overnight and my a1c is still at the threshold let's try metformin. He's got me on 500mg extended release daily and I'm going to continue with diet and exercise (though just between you and me I may try to sneak in some fries occasionally- oh how I miss you simple carbs). @jimmyjazz you mentioned an anti inflammatory effect- is that from the diet or metformin? I wouldn't mind if I got that added benefit too. Thankfully I do not have the shits like a lot of people get. Edited to add same question about sleeping. As a lifelong insomniac I also wouldn't mind if it made me drowsy at night.
  22. I spent 18 winters there. This is my second winter since moving back to the land of the sane and I still love getting texts from friends that are still there telling me the temps- temps that I will never have to experience again. Just stay indoors, don't do anything stupid like go for a walk, and get out of there as soon as you can. Also mainline vitamin D if you're staying for a while.
  23. So Israel is kind of like Flounder?
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