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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. That game was September in Austin and hotter than hell if I recall correctly. The stated rationale was get fresh legs in for the fourth quarter when all the buffs were worn out. It didn't work out, obviously.
  2. I learned that lesson but much later, unfortunately.
  3. I kind of liked Mazey and the plot twist. Full disclosure I had taken a gummie before viewing but I definitely did not see that coming. Hated beyond the sea
  4. I suspect this part of the story is embellished for dramatic effect. I believe the rest though.
  5. I have a hunch that he, like most people on the board with an IQ over 70, realizes that there was nothing he could do and it was just shitty luck. Now if he had dropped it, he'd have a much harder time getting over it.
  6. Terrible ways to die thread is that way. My mother's college roommate was on her honeymoon snorkeling with her new husband when a shark came out of nowhere and took him away. I remember hearing that story as a kid and vowing to stay the hell out of the ocean.
  7. HP beat the Woodlands in the final. Who'd they beat in the semis - Westlake and Memorial?
  8. Started rewatching from season 1 this week- 1. I finally get the Gil Bang reference. I had not put that together. 2. Larry was 52 or so in the first season, where, to me at least, he looks about 65. Guy must have been born looking like an old man.
  9. That will blend right into the Boulder streets.
  10. Damn. Not sure of their methodology, but I'm guessing they have us predicted as winning the conference? The only thing that can stop us is some really screwed up and one sided officiating from a conference that is still pissed at us. I'm sure we'll be fine.
  11. Or the budget, either.
  12. Touching the dead nun just sounds like a euphemism for masturbating.
  13. I'm sorry, I forgot you were there. You may go now.
  14. Is the class that included Colt and Jamaal typically referred to as the Melton (Shelton?) class?
  15. This exact play caused me to get heckled by a gopher coworker the following Monday. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to be laughed at in football by a Minnesota fan?
  16. Fair point, in that I think our talent utilization and culture would have improved, but that's not going to win any championships with a piss poor offensive line. That's why I said 8-4 instead of 5-7. Fans would be ready to tar and feather a new coach going 8-4 at Texas back then. And when it takes 3 to 4 years to fix the problem, we would have not had the patience for that shit.
  17. Even though hindsight has proven neither of them are wizards of the game, I still would have liked to seen that. Could it really have been worse than the past decade+? If Mack had stepped down when he was supposed to, recruiting wouldn't have fallen off a cliff and Boom may have actually pulled a Chizik/Ogre/Bilbo aggins and out talented his way to at least one national title before we kicked him to the curb for the next great Texas coach. Recruiting fell off well before that, it's almost as if Mack started phoning it in after getting the national championship. The backbone of that 2009 team was guys who committed before the 06 Rose Bowl, including some small town 3 star QB that Mack really only wanted as a backup to Ryan Perrilloux. Once those guys graduated it was look out below. Muschamp dodged a bullet by mack going back on his plan to retire after 2009. If that happens, Muschamp has a shitty 2010 right after mack had led us to the NC game. I don't think Muschamp would have been dumb enough to try to force a power running game, so we'd have been better than 5-7, but even if we ended up 8-4 the pitchforks would have been out and there certainly would not have been the patience for the complete roster rebuild the program needed at that point. The irony is if Mack had just ridden off into the sunset after 2009 he'd still be revered here, and Muschamp would have taken the blame for the fall.
  18. Ahhh good old chicks o chicks. I've got a lot of great memories in that place. Well, not memories but more like brief flashbacks in which I seem to be enjoying myself.
  19. These guys are insane. Watching the footage at nazare, the amateur geologist in me is fascinated at how those rocks jutting out from the point are still there. The sheer force of those waves hitting them should have ground them to sand.
  20. I was just watching Winning Time and during the 79/80 season they had Knight offering Magic his own branded shoe, some Nike stock and $1 per shoe sold. No idea how true that is, but once someone develops a personally branded shoe, royalties are a natural and logical result.
  21. Forgive me for getting off topic but this is what I thought when they finally showed one of the aliens' weakness in a quiet place.
  22. All I know is I'd spend every day setting a new trap for those creatures until I had exhausted everything. Douse with gas and ignite, chop in half, crush with log, trap in a pit, etc. Seems these people just shot them a couple of times and said "oh well, they're indestructible".
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