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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. So how factual is this story? Without spoilering, thinking about the scene in episode 4 with the owner of the house. If so, holy shit.
  2. I really enjoyed the book when I read it years ago but the series is not grabbing me.
  3. Wtf. This type of historical story about Hollywood is usually catnip to critics. Plus it's very good. That 41 critic score makes no sense.
  4. Good catch on Toye and Liebgott, I totally missed those. In perusing IMDb to verify, I discovered the Liebgott actor was engaged to Jennifer Love Hewitt at one time. How do you say "motorboating son of a bitch" in German?
  5. I read this post before starting watching so I had my eye out. Saw Hanks (minor BOB character but still counts), and recognized Wild Bill but probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been looking. Who else? Was Perconte one of the Colombo bodyguards? Also, this show is fabulous. I was going to let my subscription to Paramount plus lapse, but every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in.
  6. We are like Kansas fans with our expectations. Unfortunately, it's the Kansas basketball fans.
  7. As someone who lived through 2000 and 2008 this shit is nothing so far. Now the inflation aspect definitely makes me worry we're repeating the late 60s, which would be very very bad. In all the retirement Monte Carlo calculations, the absolute worst time to retire was the late 60s. High inflation and a sideways market for about 15 years. That would fuck a lot of people.
  8. Well they need reported taxable income and a tax filing so it's not for toddlers. I started with their first summer jobs around 15. It's also not a bad spot to do a moon shot, say buy some leveraged fund or ETF with a grand or two (say something like tqqq). Definitely not something you'd do with real retirement funds but think of it as a lottery ticket*. * Not investment advice yada yada yada.
  9. Another vote for Roth. I put a couple grand in each of my kids' Roth, invested 100% in low cost growth index funds. If it even hits close to historical numbers they'll have large amounts of tax free money after 40 plus years of compounding. They can pour a cold one out in my honor when they turn 59 1/2. If not, we (or they as I'll almost surely be dead) are probably all fucked and scrounging for food anyway.
  10. How do those fuckers survive winter? I live in Minnesota and it amazes me they do it.
  11. Then she probably shouldn't have asked us if we were going to make it in a speak now or forever hold your peace manner. Also this was not a huge group call where that approach made sense. Smaller group so I just responded I couldn't make it.
  12. Today on a group zoom call my boss mentioned that her boss will be in town next Wednesday and we're all expected to go out to happy hour after work. I responded that my son has a baseball game so I won't be able attend the happy hour. She went on a big guilting rant how it was just one game and it's stupid I cared that much. I simply responded with I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm not attending the happy hour. Awkward silence followed. I fucking love knowing I can walk at a moment's notice with no concerns. I might just walk in and quit tomorrow just because she was being such an asshole. I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. To me, that's what FIRE is all about. Or the FI part of it, at least.
  13. From the William Shatner school of overacting. He was in Yellowstone too so I guess he's going through a Rocky mountain rancher phase.
  14. I know when I'm illicitly moving money somewhere that I want to be sure it's safe and I can get it back, my first choice is either an ex wife or estranged wife.
  15. I think with tinder and the general hookup culture, it's easier than ever for young guys to get laid. If I could have worked an hourly wage job, played video games while smoking weed all day and still gotten laid, I'm pretty sure I might have reconsidered all that grad school debt. Tldr- back in my day we had to work for pussy.
  16. It's an excuse to put on a tux, get drunk and wait in line to kiss Harry Reasoner's ass (or whomever the current managing partner is). Not knocking Reasoner, but you'd think experienced lawyers would be a bit more subtle about the brown nosing.
  17. There's something they call golden penis syndrome on campuses. If there are only 40% males on campus, then the whole dating dynamic gets shifted and the top males are swimming in options. I noticed it when I visited my freshman daughter and commented on it. Well not on the guys having golden penises, just on the fact that I saw 2 girls for every guy walking around. She said it's compounded by the fact that many of the male students are international and that means they are there to study, get a degree and go back home. Socialization and intermingling with fellow students is not on the agenda.
  18. Yeah I saw that in episode 2. It was just an odd observation made by me in episode 1 as that's something that would usually be explained right away in situations like that where one family member has an entirely different accent. I just imagined them trying to get Walken to do a British accent, giving up and saying we'll explain it in later episodes. I'm also bitter we didn't get to hear his attempts at the accent as that would have been comedic gold.
  19. Just started it. I love how they don't even bother trying to have Walken do a British accent. Fuck it, just do your normal voice, Chris, we'll work around it.
  20. Not a cat

    Getting old sucks

    Have you tried a bidet? I never had the roids as bad as you, but have had no issues since getting a bidet 5 years ago.
  21. Meth Damon killing that kid during the great train robbery was all sorts of fucked up too.
  22. My nephew goes to Rice. Nice enough kid but hard to believe we share DNA. He's all into books and math and stupid shit like that.
  23. Watching season 5. Nacho has perfected the facial expression of you've got to be fucking kidding me. Just conveys his thoughts perfectly.
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