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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. I can definitely see the similarities, both are very passive aggressive types...
  2. Re the portal timing- Aside from the deadline for players to get in the motherfucker, what's the deadline to make a decision on the ultimate destination? Is it basically dependent on enrollment deadlines at each school?
  3. That's the problem, I walk a lot already. Plus weights 3x a week. My knees can no longer handle long distance running so that's going to be the extent of my exercise to control glucose levels.
  4. So my doc has been warning me I'm pre diabetic (low 100s) so last March I switched to low carb. Lost some weight, felt better, etc. in the last week I've been feeling lethargic, thirsty and peeing a lot. Looks like I started low carb too late after 54 years of eating like absolute crap. Gonna go get a finger stick monitor and see what I'm at. Have my annual physical scheduled for February 10 but looks like I may need to get in there earlier.
  5. tell him that -www.mackbrowntexasfootball.com
  6. Sometimes when I have threesomes with my much younger super model wife and her friend, my massive manhood causes them to scream. Will this attract bears to my mansion?
  7. I'm honestly stunned by that ranking, as I've always thought of them as the Arizona State of the Midwest academically. Like I said, a big part of it is probably colored by my visit there in 2005, when it was filled with straight up belligerent trailer park trash. The people I saw would have struggled at ACC. Throw in the fact I just never ran into them in my career and I just never thought of them as being all that bright. Hell, all the bright Ohioans I met went to Miami of Ohio. Anyway, thanks everyone for the clarification. Learned something new.
  8. How does tOSU have the NIL to pull this off? I get that they're a large passionate fan base of a huge school but 1) the ones I saw in Columbus (granted it was 20 years ago) looked lucky to make much above minimum wage, 2) I've worked in a professional capacity in 3 states, including one in the Midwest, and I honestly can't recall running across a buckeye, and 3) I've never heard of them having a Phil Knight or T. Boone. Is it just a shitload of $200 donors or am I missing something?
  9. So since we're SEC now, what's stopping us from "cramping" whenever this happens?
  10. It's like a sequel to Glory Road.
  11. Is there a time limit on how old a post can be and still get negged? Just curious.
  12. Started that polo (sport, not fashion) documentary. I should probably spoiler, but it's a bunch of vapid assholes spending money to look cool.
  13. I actually had to look him up as I had no recollection of him. Turns out he was a communications major, so it's not like he's gonna make money after football, anyway...
  14. I remember in Last Chance U at the Mississippi JC they had a couple of kids that had transferred in from Michigan and Rice. It was amusing watching their faces in the classroom scenes realizing how far they had fallen. That's how this guy is going to feel on the first day of classes.
  15. No need to call him a pussy- seems like a good guy from all reports.
  16. For catching bull frogs, use a long pole, put a piece of red fabric on a perch hook and wave it in front of them. They just launch at it. I didn't believe the guy that told me that but it drives them nuts. We didn't even have red fabric so we just used a starburst wrapper.
  17. How I now picture GOLL tailgating-
  18. I was at a dog park in Truth or Consequences NM a couple of months ago and a bobcat just casually strolled along the fence line. It was big, but nothing like that monster on the roof in the photo. Think of the biggest tomcat you've ever seen and add maybe 20%. I have no doubt he'd have fucked my dogs up who were under the impression it was just a normal cat.
  19. Whoa, now. 12 men have walked on the moon and 2 of them, including the very first, did undergrad at Purdue. Aggy, well, they made a maroon carrot.
  20. As part of my daughter's youth basketball team's tournament in Minnesota I had to keep the book for some games. One of those included a 6th grade Bueckers playing up on a 8th grade team. The other guy working the clock and I just sat at the scorer's table laughing at what a joke she made the game. She actually got bored and quit scoring in the second half, instead electing to go for steals and assists. Fortunately, my daughter's team took their typical journey through the friendship bracket so she never had to face Paige.
  21. Ohio state? Ummm, that would be very interesting. I can't even begin to imagine the hype for that game. Of course, I also can't imagine someone paying him 4mm.
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