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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Unlike most upper Midwesterners, our Catholic friend here understands aggy.
  2. Did that weird little fella release his SEC rankings yet?
  3. In his defense, you try convincing someone to swap a Duke diploma for an aggy one.
  4. I'd only seen the first season of AP Bio and was amused at seasons 2-4 that recently came out.
  5. You were doing great until you threw in an aggy that lives in Vancouver. Paris or Cleveland (the Texas ones) would work.
  6. Dripping springs is too far west, but Austin isn't. Ask ctj for an explanation.
  7. I remember that year Ricky was ranked something like 80 on the DMN national 100 list while Sirr Parker, also out of California, was 30ish. An aggy in the apartment next to me couldn't contain his glee that they got the #1 RB out of Cali while we had to settle for the second best. Sometimes the universe has a way of working out
  8. At 9 or 10 we would ride our bikes on a busy highway a couple of miles to get to the fireworks stand. Then see who could light them and throw it in the air with just enough wick left so it would explode in the air and rain confetti. Whenever one of our parents saw this they'd give us a stern lecture along the lines of "hey be careful" I'm with these other parents that are amazed their kids never really grabbed that freedom. About 2 weeks before my daughter was set to leave for college, she begged for permission to take a road trip to visit a friend that had already enrolled in school. I just said "why are you asking me stupid shit, you're 18, just always have a sober driver."
  9. For all intensive purposes, it means the same thing and is a mute point.
  10. They could still hide a beeper by their taint.
  11. With portal and NIL, asshole coaches like Kelly and Urban are not going to work anymore. You hate to see that.
  12. You think secret service will let him sit in that death trap?
  13. It would be like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
  14. As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly
  15. Less hilarious, fewer chuckles, grins, shits and/or giggles.
  16. So when exactly does this happen in a man's life? Sometime after 54, I'm guessing?
  17. I'm following up to remind certain posters that this isn't Nam. Taken before LSU game earlier this month so presumably right after she exercised her constitutionally guaranteed right to vote.
  18. Left Texas in 99, moved back in 23. Not only did I remember it, they just gave me the same number. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  19. Ahhh shit. Let the bitching begin about sidearm passing motion and batted balls.
  20. So when does the actual shit show start? As opposed to the lower shit show undercard
  21. Fuck it, reading this thread got me fired up and I turned the RV toward Fayettenam. Currently in Van Buren. Feel free to send me any longhorn tailgate/pre party locations where I won't be in a sea of drunken hillbillies.
  22. How the fuck can scientists look at fossils of an animal and determine whether or not its vision was movement based?
  23. My son was raised a huge Texas fan. Unfortunately he was in the upper Midwest and there was no way he was getting into UT out of state so he's at Iowa now. He still cheers for Texas, but it's understood if both teams ever play he'll cheer for the hawkeyes. Which makes sense to me.
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