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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Yes, the number of living ex-presidents is roughly comparable to the number that have played a team sport and had to rely on teammates to reach a goal. I never played beyond high school and I get it. Winning teams hold each other accountable.
  2. Now listen to me and listen to me good! When your wife, on her honeymoon, asks you to cock her, you cock her good, God damn it!
  3. Bubba was my QB in high school. Factually correct and sounds way cooler than saying I was a third tackle that was technically eligible to receive passes had they ever called for Bubba to throw one to me.
  4. Speaking of Scottie, I do wonder what happens if he never gets that migraine and the Bulls win that game. Detroit swept the finals so you have to think the Bulls win it if they go. But does Jordan not start maniacally lifting weights over the off-season so it doesn't eventually turn into 4 straight?
  5. Still got to disagree. As onboard said quitting on your team is the ultimate bitch move, especially at that level and in an elimination game in the playoffs.
  6. I'd forgotten that Pippen did that. That's Isiah level bitchness.
  7. I think it would be awesome to see a gator just grab a deer. Not from my front porch, mind you, but actually out in the wild in places not near where I sleep.
  8. Think about what a control move this is. If she was truly against hunting wouldn't she want him to keep the guns but privately ask him not to use them? Selling them just gets them in the hands of someone that will actually use them to kill animals. So she gets to assert her dominance publicly, gets 50k pounds to spend and gets kudos from her animal rights friends for her wokeness. Perfect outcome for her.
  9. Isn't the real news here that APD pulled up on a black woman with a knife chasing a black man with a gun, and nobody got shot? Earl escaped death twice in one night, he needs to buy a lotto ticket while he's on a hot streak.
  10. Nina also threatened her and the other woman in the house -- pointing the gun at them and yelling "I got something for all you hoes!" Now that's just plain awesome.
  11. I loved that play because it happened against Miami, who I hated at the time for obvious reasons. Teague was also the guy who lit up TO for celebrating on the star at Texas stadium. Dude loved knocking showboats down a notch, apparently.
  12. I walked down to one of those Cuero games from Moore-hill specifically to see him. The buzz about that guy was huge for pre-internet days.
  13. I think I mentioned it earlier but she's exhibiting classic cluster B personality disorder symptoms. In my unprofessional opinion, it's a mix of narcissistic personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. Psychiatrists aren't sure what causes it but think it's a little bit of genetics and a lot of fucked up family upbringing, which she seems to fit. Source- am not a trained professional but researched the shit out if it after I married into a whole family of cluster b.
  14. That dude was a giant. I know people are stunned when they see college and pro linemen up close, but this guy stood out even among the jocks when you'd see him on campus. From all accounts a nice guy.
  15. I hated weatherspoon, dude probably ran for close to a 1000 yards in his career against us. Just a bigger version of robert newhouse, looked about 5'2" 260. They'd spread out the field and then get the ball to him and defensive backs would bounce off of him. Until that glorious night in 1990, though I still think he got a lot of yards then too, but my memory of the specifics might be a bit hazy.
  16. Never liked the Irish but damn if Michael Stonebreaker is not the perfect linebacker name. Kind of like Terry Steelhammer was for defensive line, but for the good guys.
  17. There were female orphanages that had to be evacuated?
  18. Got to get your body in front of it.
  19. (katfid) Barkley, Kobe, Jordan and Magic? (katfid)
  20. Story about the princess- allegedly she is high maintenance and has scars on her feet from a bunion removal so we know wulaw is not Rex Ryan. As an aside, what's the deal with British papers and subheadlines? They basically put the entire story in the subheadlines and then repeat the story again in a different format only adding a couple of small details. Pics for Wulaw
  21. The way they start playing catch just between themselves as if Dan is not even there is perfect. Pop fly.
  22. It's a little more complicated than that. First they take the hand drawn character and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then...repurposed for later episodes. They take the dingle bop and they push it through the grumbo, where the fleeb is rubbed against it. It's important that the fleeb is rubbed, because the fleeb has all the fleeb juice. Then, a schlami shows up, and he rubs it...and spits on it. They cut the fleeb. There's several hizzards in the way. The blamfs rub against the chumbles, and the...plubis, and grumbo are shaved away. That leaves you with...a regular old episode.
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