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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. And adding a certain slur with a hard r at the end of that might just be even dumber.
  2. Maybe it's because I just took a gummy but I find it highly amusing to think of someone with a trump user name going on a road trip with brisket and GOLL. Oh the conversations that could have been.
  3. This. Michigan didn't vary their coverages much at all. This allowed quinn and sark to tee off on them. I doubt we see any of our remaining opponents do the same after reviewing the last few games on film.
  4. Hits close to home, as I'm driving through Dolores, Colorado tomorrow. I always had a good memory but was just really shit with names and faces. I developed a system at parties after I had a few by remembering what someone was wearing. Which works great for that night but leads to embarrassing incidents when you see them next time and they greet you like a long lost friend.
  5. Well, yeah if they were able to put Bond or Wingo in their coaching box that would be a pretty big disadvantage.
  6. I mean, arch committed here when it was assumed by everyone Quinn would go pro after Arch's first year, so arch getting starts in his second year shouldn't surprise any of the Mannings. Again, no actual info, just reading between the lines.
  7. I have absolutely no inside info, but I've always read it as a commitment to the ewers family.
  8. You sure about that?
  9. I attended that Miami game. Also 2000 OU, 1994 Rice (I mean WTF, rice?), 2 losses to Iowa state (a shutout loss and the get in the motherfucker game), and a shutout loss to KState. Saturday night wouldn't even sniff the top 5 shitty losses I've attended. Maybe I need to just watch on TV going forward?
  10. Student in early 90s that robbed an Austin bank to pay his gambling debts.
  11. There's that. I'm not saying it was a well thought out robbery.
  12. But in his defense, wasn't he robbing the bank to pay for all the losses he got from being a bookie? This shows initiative and willingness to pay his debts. Plus, as a ZBT, you know he's good with money... (Ducks).
  13. It looks to me like he slipped because he was trying to adjust to a poorly thrown ball.
  14. Correct. But the success of the plan doesn't hinge on you getting called, that's just a 5 yard penalty you're willing to take in exchange for wasting a few seconds. Even better for you if it's not called, so why bring attention to it?
  15. Probably?
  16. I saw a kid that looked like that in Ann Arbor wearing Michigan shit. He looks better today
  17. Playing "wait wait don't tell me" as part of a pregame fire-up session. Brilliant, actually.
  18. "Year 3 of that deal features a renegotiation clause in which either side may request changes for things such as salary or benefits." I'd love to see how the hell this is drafted. I assume it's just a " the parties agree to negotiate in good faith, yada yada yada,". Basically unenforceable bullshit
  19. Bubba Jacques would like a word
  20. Not a cat

    Getting old sucks

    The picture on my Costco card is from the early 2000s. Lately they've actually been checking cards to get in and to checkout and each time they have to stop me and look again because the picture looks nothing like me. They must suspect I stole the card of some dude with a full head of hair, only one chin and a spark of joy in his eyes.
  21. Or they get in as a nice little 8 or 9 seed and we beat them 3 times in a row, each time in more humiliating fashion.
  22. Could the pain be due to all the slapping instead?
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