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Everything posted by Stinkpalm

  1. Jazz Jars would be a top notch band name for a jazz band made up of self-aware 2%ers
  2. Huh. My dad used to always refer to me as a buckeye Oh…
  3. Wait… possibly their most “famous” actor grad is a dude who played a closeted redneck that got honeydicked and repeatedly raw-dogged by an openly gay FBI agent behind closed doors? So fitting.
  4. Aggy Pat is just following the Lucci/Looch44 method… manipulate the numbers and twist the narrative so that aggy is better than evil tu in their rankings until overwhelming facts and stats make it impossible to do so, and then just discontinue said rankings without notice or explanation.
  5. I’m picking up what you’re putting down…
  6. Let’s say some Surlyites were able to acquire a number of drones… how difficult would it be to fly in a pirate drone show during their show on November 30 and make Bevo hump their little drone dog?
  7. I’ll be honest… much like graham harmon, I don’t really know just what it is
  8. Dork who doesn’t know how to make friends or approach random friendly tailgaters, dons a costume and a fake persona to hide behind in order to get free booze and seem cool… aka run of the mill aggy. BTW, I’ve also never heard of this dude until this post, but obvious awkward dork is obvious
  9. My post would literally say the exact same thing. All of it. Even the Italian immigrant dad, Jewish step-dad, Mexican step-mom stuff. But seriously, I’d love for a legitimate 3rd party to jump into the mix and break up the “us vs them” mindset the nation has now, and force both sides to rein it in and work together a little more. But that’s not going to happen.
  10. Cool. Now do the rocks on women’s fingers/necks and watches on men’s wrists just in the luxury suites at Texas games, and then add the value that they don’t have to look like fucking dorks wearing class rings to surpass the aggy number
  11. China, crab-people den, finished-out sex dungeon… I don’t know. I just need to know what the goal is because my sanity can’t handle digging a hole that never has a finish line
  12. You should write excavation erotica… after you finish the goddamned hole already
  13. Goddamn. Maybe try some cases in an outdoor court every now and then
  14. Wagons (middle) East? Thar’s goooold in them thar craters!!
  15. False. Our defenders “Olay”ed a lot during the strong/Herman years.
  16. Therewasone?.gif I slept through the alert and would’ve slept through the cop getting shot inside my bedroom. Team Deep Sleep.
  17. Cunt. She actually had that part correct.
  18. I always stream him through the Texas Longhorns app (official University of Texas sports app)
  19. What in god’s name just happened?
  20. You can put your weed in there or Thurgood : The MacGyver smoker is a very handy guy to have around, especially when it comes to reefer. McGuyver Friend : Hey, man, we're out of papers. McGuyver Smoker : All right. Then get me a toilet paper roll, a corkscrew and some tin foil. McGuyver Friend : We don't have a corkscrew. McGuyver Smoker : All right. Then get me an avocado, an ice pick and my snorkel. McGuyver Smoker : [Friend looks at him funny] Trust me, bro. I've made bongs with less. Hurry up!
  21. ‘Member when everyone posted something similar during the Shag takeover? I ‘member!
  22. Gonna need to see some ID, bud. Not getting busted for that again. Everybody knows cops sit outside the distribution center looking for kids trying to get adults to buy 10 cases of beer for them..
  23. Way to doxx yourself, Pimburt
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